Small Business Saturday Sale | Middle Tennessee Photographer

Hopefully you're rested up from your Black Friday shopping.  Now it's time for Small Business Saturday.  I have put together several specials that I will be offering through Cyber Monday.

All the following specials are available Saturday, November 24 - Monday, November 26 ONLY!


All Gallery Wraps %25 off regular price!  I have never offered these at such a discount.


Gallery Wraps:

11x14 - Regular Price $150  SALE PRICE $112.50

16X20 - Regular PRice $200  SALE PRICE $150

20X30 - Regular Price $275  SALE PRICE $206.25

24x30 - Regular Price $300  SALE PRICE $225.00

24x36 - Regular Price $350  SALE PRICE $262.50

*50% deposit required when ordering gallery wraps.


50% off 2011 Session CDs.

Save 50% when you purchase the session CD from your 2011 session.  High resolution digital files of all the edited images from your session with a print release.  

Full Session: Regular Price $250 - SALE PRICE $125

Mini-Session: Regular Price $125 - Sale Price $62.50

This offer is ONLY good for 2011 sessions.


4x6 Proof Sets

A complete set of proof from your session.  These do not have a watermark or proof on them.  This is a proof version so it does not have the coating offered on prints. Fine for desktop frames, scrapbooking or an album. 

Full Session $100

Mini Session $50


Save $50 on Spiral Bound Proof Books

The photos are size 4x6 on a  5x7 black mat. Spiral bound.  Make nice brag books.  Please note that the images CANNOT be removed from the album.