Oh my goodness I love these girls. Sophie was a baby the first year we did Christmas photos. Now the fact that Sophie runs to me and gives me a big hug any time I see her, well that makes me very, very happy. They are three of the most beautiful girls ever, and I love that they can be themselves around me. Their mom and dad are pretty special to me, too.
To protect and to serve.
This past week I had a session with a friend from way back. Well, maybe I shouldn't say that. I may be dating Shelley and myself a bit. OK, I will admit to being a little older than Shelley. She and I went to school together pretty much the entire time.
Shelley is a dispatcher for the police department in a nearby city, and that is where she met her husband, Rodney. Rodney is a police officer in another city in the same county. They have a beautiful 2-year-old daughter, Maggie.
I knew this was going to be a good session when I gave Shelley and Rodney both a barstool and told them to go sit in the middle of the street, and they didn't look at me like I was crazy. They may have thought I was crazy, but they went right along with me.
Shelley was in the class behind me, and what I remember most about her is that she always had the most beautiful head of hair. Fastforward a few years and somethings haven't changed.
After we dodged cars for a while, we headed to a more quiet spot. I had never used this spot for a family, but I think I may again.
Miss Maggie was being very serious, so we decided to have a little fun. This managed to get a smile out of her. :-)
And that smile even lasted for a while! She's a bit of a Daddy's Girl as you can tell!
This is one of my favorites. I have many.
And a sweet family shot. Another favorite.
Sometimes 2-year-olds think it is more fun to run circles around their mom and dad than to stand still to have their photo taken. So I let 2-year-olds do what 2-year-olds do. It still makes for a pretty cute photo.
It took Maggie a little while to warm up to me, but before we were finished we were pals. You can see here how adorable she is but what you can't see is the big hug she gave me when she ran to me right after I snapped this one. :-)
Shelley, it was great seeing you again and getting to catch up! You and Rodney have a wonderful little blessing! I have been missing those sweet Maggie hugs!