Favorites from Wyoming.

I finally got around to going through my photos from our trip to Wyoming last month and wanted to share some of my favorites.

These are from a hike I took behind the lodge.  


These are what I saw every morning on my run. I think I could be much more motivated to get up and run if this was waiting on me!

My trip into town.

I ended up going to Devil's Tower alone, but I did really enjoyed the time alone with my camera. :-)



Do we have sunsets like this around here? Maybe we do and I just don't slow down long enough to enjoy them.

If you would like to read more about my trip, there is more on my personal blog.


Where the deer and the antelope play.

That is where I have been.  I took a week off and traveled to Wyoming with Chris.

He was busy hunting, and I was busy relaxing.  I so needed it.  Today is the first time I have been in front of a computer in more than a week. Today I am back at it. I have so much editing to do.  Thank you to all of you that have been waiting so patiently. I had a wonderful week and am now ready to get back to work!

When I get caught up I promise to share some photo from our trip!