Ryleigh - Take 2.

I met up with Ryleigh after school one day a couple weeks ago.  We had planned a fall shoot back during the summer when I did a her family's session.  I was really excited about this one.  Ryleigh is just a natural beauty and is natural in front of the camera.  I knew we would have fun and we did!

First we headed to a spot I had used the week before. The leaves were just turning then and I thought they would be beautiful after another week.  Still just enough green. Perfect. 

Ryleigh has such an ease about her.  I seriously could shoot her all day long.

From here we traveled to another favorite spot of mine now. We were at the train tracks, but I think my favorites were in the road in front of the tracks.  It wouldn't matter with Ry though.  All my spots are favorites when working with her!

This next one may be my favorite.

Of course we had to take some of her with her car. I'm all about the car! This made me miss my Camaro days! 


I had been watching this cotton field. I was hoping that they wouldn't pick it before I got to use it.  I knew it would be awesome. And it was! This runs a close second for my favorite.

 As we were walking out of the cotton field, Ry asked me if it would be ok if she laid down in the grass.  We did a quick check first to make sure there were no critters hiding.  I'm really glad she asked because otherwise we wouldn't have this.

 or this...


OK, so how lucky am I to have Ryleigh as a spokesmodel? Such a beauty inside and out. All you seniors make sure you see Ryleigh for a special offer before contacting me to schedule your senior photo shoot!