The Sims Family.

Rewind to last fall.....  I have a few sessions that I never got around to sharing here with the craziness of Christmas cards and all last fall.  I know it is March 2nd, but they are too special for me not to share!  The first is of my dear friend, April's family.  April and I go all the way back to elementary school. You might remember that I took her son Timmy's senior portraits back last summer. It doesn't seem like that long since April and I were graduating from high school ourselves! 

When April said that she wanted to do fall portraits, I came up with the perfect place. The entire time we were growing up, April's family lived at the fish hatchery.  Her dad worked there, and it was the perfect setting for our session.

I knew that this setting would be so meaningful for April and also for Tony.  The two of them have been together even longer than Chris and I have.  They dated throughout high school.  I was a bridesmaid in their wedding and April was there to help me get dressed on my wedding day. 

They have two very handsome sons!

Timmy had senior portraits in the late summer, but we took the opportunity to get a few more with the gorgeous fall leaves.

And a few of Joseph (Jo-Jo).

One last family shot before heading back to our cars.

Thanks guys!