Christmas Card Mini-sessions | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Christmas card mini-sessions have become our most popular mini-sessions of the year, and we are excited to be offering a full day of them again this year! 

christmas minis_web.jpg

The location has not been determined, but it will be a beautiful rural Tennessee location. In these sessions, I offer a few Christmas themed images, and then some non-holiday images that can be enjoyed all year long. 

So here are the details: 

  • 20 minute session for up to 5 people
  • 5-10 edited images in an online gallery
  • A set of 25 2-sided custom holiday cards printed on linen cardstock
  • A keepsake slideshow DVD
  • An 8x10 print of your choice framed in a beautiful Organic Bloom Meg frame
christmas miniMeg_web.jpg

The price is only $155 (plus tax). No session fee included! 

$55 non-refundable deposit required at time of booking to reserve your appointment time.

Saturday, November 16

  • 10:00 - Timberman
  • 10:30 - Doud
  • 11:00 - Mayer
  • 11:30 - McCleary
  • 12:30 - Posey
  • 1:00 - S. Brown
  • 1:30 - Parker
  • 2:00 - A. Brown
  • 2:30 - Reed
  • 3:00 - Jackson
  • 3:30 _ Martinez

Call or email to reserve your appointment. 931.993.7826


The Pearson Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

Once again I am way behind in sharing sessions.  Thats' because I have been busy, busy, busy!  Today I am sharing a recent session with one of my favorite families.  You've seen them here before.  More than once. :-)  When I talk of the relationships I have been blessed with through this profession, this is one of the first ones that comes to mind.  I love Cooper and Cori.  Next week we have Cori's 1-year- session scheduled.  I cannot wait! I'm so blessed to get to watch them grow.  I love them so.  

Some sessions go without a hitch.  Some do not. This would be one of the latter. I had to work hard for this one.  Molly assisted me, and we were both tired afterwards.  When I got home I told Chris that I was glad that this wasn't the first session they had had with me because I thought they would be really worried!  Some days are just like that That is especially true when you are working with children.  That's why I just go with whatever they want to do.  It usually works out for the best that way. :-)  

Here are a few of my favorites from our afternoon.

And here is their video if you would like to see it.

Customer Appreciation Event | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

I'm excited to announce my customer appreciation event!

During the month of July, any client who has had a session in the past can book a new session for the months of July or August for half the regular session fee! It does not matter if you had a session last month, last year or two years ago.  You are eligible.  

The session must take place during the month of July or August and the session fee must be payed at the time of booking.  You may see available dates here.

This offer is only good for the month of July, and for the dates listed.  Thanks!


Mom and me | Fayetteville, Tennessee family photographer

Mom and kiddo session.  I just love 'em.  Our kiddos grow up way too fast and as moms we are the ones who are usually behind the camera.  I love capturing those little moments between moms and their little ones.  Erin and her kiddos joined me on a Saturday morning to do just that.

Owen.  Loved his mohawk. He is just too stinkin' cute.

Maddy.  Such a sweet girl.

It's obvious she is a good big sister.

Love this candid one.  Sweet moment.

This was such a great day. I think starting with this great session just set the tone for day.  Thanks guys!

Twice the Fun | Middle Tennessee Baby Family Photographer

Earlier this month I finally got to meet my twim baby cousins, Clara and Laurel. They live in Chattanooga, but were in for the weekend.  So I spent the afternoon with them and their mom and dad. 


Heath and did dad picked out the perfect spot on a hay farm they work on the Elk River.

For those of you who may not be familiar with the area, this is very near to the spot where Davy Crockett once lived.  He hunted and fished these banks.

This next one just melts my heart.  I think every little girl should have an image like this of her with her daddy.  So precious.

It's so obvious that Heath adores his girls. And it is unreal how much they look like he did when he was a baby.

It's obvious he loves their mommy, too!

We finished up with the girls dipping their feet in the river for the first time.

And then it was time to say goodbye.

I hope it's not another 6 months before I get to see them! 

Heath and Blair, it was so good to see y'all.  The girls are precious.  They are two lucky girls to have the two of you for parents. Love ya!

Now booking Americana Styled Mini-sessions - June 23rd!

Maybe you've seen my Christmas mini-sessions that take place each year at the barn. Well, I was thinking, and what is more American than a red barn?  So I decided to this year try something new and offer Americana mini-sessions at the barn.  This setup will be similar to my Christmas mini-sessions set, but with more antique red, white and blue.  These styled sessions would be great for families (up to 5 people) and kiddos.

Date: Saturday, June 23rd

Package includes the following:

  • 20 minute session for up to 5 people
  • 10-15 images in an online gallery to share with family and friends
  • 11x14 print
  • 8x10 print
  • 2 5x7 prints
  • 4 4x6 prints
  • Keepsake slideshow

Price is $135 (plus tax). A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due at time of booking to reserve your appointment. The balance is due at the time of your session. 


10:00 - Reed








Call 931.993.7826 or email with questions or to book your session.

The Decker Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photograper

Molly and I recently spent the afternoon with another sweet family. Lana wanted family portraits at their home, and Molly went along with me to assist.  I am always so glad when a family wants to use there home for the setting of their session.  To me it makes their images all the more special.

I love these in the field across from their house.

Luke is such a cutie pie.

I am always a sucker for mommies and their little boys.

Dads with their little boys are pretty sweet, too.

This next one may be my very favorite.

Thanks Decker family for welcoming Molly and me into your home.  We had such a good time with you, and hope you will enjoy your images for years to come.

The Sweetest Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

You might remember Evelyn Gray from her 3 month session.  Her mom chose to take advantage of my Baby's First Year plan, so that means I get to take her portraits four times this year! For her 6 month session Jessica wanted to do some family shots. For the location we chose the farm of a mutual friend. I've had lots of sessions there in the past, but I found a new spot that I absolutely love. You'll see what I mean. 

Eli met us there after work, so while we were waiting on him we played in the porch swing. Jessica had brought along her mother's baby quilt and it made the perfect backdrop.

Then we headed to my new favorite spot.

She's a country girl. ;-)

 I always love getting to spend time with them.  This day as no different. I'm already looking forward to her 9 month session!

Partnering for Spring Goodness

I am so excited to be parterning with Beautiful Me Boutique to offer my clients some extra Spring goodness!  When you book your Spring Urban Mini-session with me, you will receive a gift certificate for 15% off your next purcahse at Beautiful Me.  So here's what you do:

1.  Book your session for some fun urban shots with me.

2.  Receive a gift certifcate for 15% off at Beautiful Me.

3.  Go shopping at Beautiful Me for a cute new outfit for your shoot!


Spring Break Urban Minis

We're going to be in town during spring break, so I thought that would be the perfect time to schedule a day of mini-sessions.  This would be a great time to get some new photos of the kids or the whole family.  These are also great for senior guys (I design custom announcements) or even an engagement shoot.  These minis will have an urban theme and will take place around downtown Fayetteville.

When: Tuesday, March 13 

Where: Downtown Fayetteville

Times: 10:30-3:30

What's included:

  •  20 minute session
  • 5-10 photos to choose from
  • 1 8x10
  • 2 5x7s
  • 8 wallets
  • Keepsake slideshow

Price $125 plus tax

A $50 deposit is due at the time of booking.  No refunds.  If you are unable to make your session, you may sell or give it to someone else, but no refunds will be made. 

The Dixon Family - Fall Mini-sessions | Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Another one of my favorite familes.  We have become great friends over the past few years. 

 We probably first met with our children being involved int he same activities.  Plus the children's consignment sale I host with a friend twice each year. I've taken their photos many times. 

Alex and Andrew.  I just love these little guys.  They both have a special spot in my heart. 

It's funny that Dawn and I went to school together (she was a year or two behind me), but we didn't even know each other then.  Dawn and I started running together this year as she was training for her first half marathon.  We try to run together three times a week.  I'm so thankful for her to hold me accountable! 

I haven't talked much about, Russ, but he's a pretty good guy, too. :-)

In case you were wondering about this new spot I used for fall  mini-sessions, it is literally the side of my yard.  These huge rocks are ones that were moved when we had the basement dug for our house.  This was the perfect spot for fall photos.  I don't know why I had never realized that before!

What it is all about | Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Yesterday I was finishing up Noah's 2-year-session, and this series made me stop for a few minutes.

It had not been easy, but earlier in our shoot I had gotten a shot of the entire family looking at the camera.  It is nice, but this is it.  This is the moment that you will never get back.  In my own life, the photos like this one of my own children are the ones I treasure the most.  In my opinion this is the best kind of family portrait.  This is real.  And because it touched me so much, I also converted them to black and white.

As we approach Thanksgiving, this photo reminds me of so many things for which I am thankful.

The Pendergrass Family | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

What better Mother's Day gift for a wonderful mother and grandmother than a family photo session?  That is just what Mrs. Jane received for Mother's Day this year.  We got together for our shoot one beautiful Sunday afternoon.  Everyone put on their Sunday best and we headed for the cow pasture.  Where else?!

I love this one of the grandkiddos.  So sweet.

Justin and family.

Jackie and family.

Sweet Lily.  Such a precious girl.

My favorite of Jake.  

Luke, oh, Luke.  Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.  

Beautiful Kayla.  I could shoot her all day.

Sweet AnnaKate.


One last family favorite.

This is such a sweet family, and I was so glad to get to spend the afternoon with them.  


I am very behind in posting sessions and plan to share a lot more this week, so come back soon!

New Beginnings | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

Now that the Christmas rush is over and here we are on the last day of the first month of the new year. Wow.  Isn't that just crazy?  Do we still call it a new year 31 days into it?  Well, it still feels like a new year to me.  I love the beginning of new year.  I feel like it is somewhat a blank slate and I get to start all over again.  The past is not necessarily forgotten, but the future feels full of promise.  That is how I feel when I look at the photos from this session. 

Dawn contacted me in the fall to schedule a session of her new family.  She and Brad were recently married and are in the process of blending their new family together. We met at the beautiful Green Haven Creek Bed & Breakfast one afternoon after school.  Dawn had scoped it out and gotten permission for us to use the grounds. It was the perfect setting for this new family.

I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see Dawn so very happy.  She certainly deserves it.

This is one of my favorites.  Maybe my very favorite.  It just makes me smile.

And their  kiddos.  Talk about sweetness.


 Baylee, Aubrey and Dylan.  The girls could be models, 

and Dylan... well they don't come much cuter than him!

Such a sweet family.

I just couldn't resist a shot of the boots!

This tree was just too awesome not to use.  I love this.

What a wonderful way to spend my afternoon.  With a very special "new" family.  I am so glad that Dawn and Brad have found each other.  They have such a beautiful family and I wish them a long and happy life together. 

The Blessing of Friends.

Sometimes in this profession I am truly blessed.  Yes, I love being able to share in special moments in the lives of my clients, but the session I am sharing today may have been the one I have been most blessed by to date.  I am reminded of this passage, and try to live my life accordingly.  

1 “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.  --Matthew 6:1-4

I share this session not to boast of my own works, but to share an act of love and kindness that truly touched me.  

I was contacted in the fall by a friend.  She contacted me regarding another friend of hers, Amy.  Not a friend that I knew, but a lady that I had heard mention of from other friends.  Amy had been diagnosed with cancer, and was scheduled to begin chemotherapy the following week.  Our mutual friend told me that it was her wish for Amy and her family to be able to have family portraits done before Amy began her chemo.  She knew that within the next 1-2 weeks, Amy would be losing her hair from the treatments.  She asked me if there was anyway I could work them in that weekend.  It was very important to her that Amy not know who had arranged for the session.

I had urban Christmas mini-sessions scheduled for that Saturday.  I had completely booked all the spaces I had allowed, but I thought that I would have time to do one more session after the last one I had scheduled.  Our mutual friend said that she would pay the session fee, and Amy could then just order the photos she wanted.  Touched by the kindness of our mutual friend and thankful for the opportunity to do something good for someone else, I told her that I would do the session at no charge. She could then put her part towards a product credit for Amy.

I got Amy's phone number and called her with the good news.  Luckily, the time worked for her family, so that Saturday afternoon after my last Christmas session we met for the first time.


As we walked and talked it was obvious that Amy's children adore her.  It is easy to see why.  She is a stay-at-home  mom and she home schools.  Family is very important to her.

After our session I ran into another one of Amy's friends.  She told me that she had heard about their session and wanted to also make an anonymous donation towards Amy's product credit.  Wow.  I was touched again. Even though I had only recently met Amy, I knew that she must be a very special person for these ladies to want to do this for her.

It did my heart good just to see the love that they had for their friend. They asked me to help them do something for a friend.  Something that would bless their friend.  I in the end was just as blessed as anyone involved.  So very blessed to have gotten to be a witness to such love, kindness and friendship. 

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | The Lowe Family

I tried to post the rest of my Christmas mini-sessions before Christmas but had some computer/internet issues that prevented me from it.  Thankfully, everything seems to be fixed now, so I am playing a bit of catchup.  It's still the season until New Year's isn't it?  We'll say it is!

One word comes to mind when I think of this family - FUN! We had never met before, but it felt like we were old friends from the get-go. Love that!


Daniel was such a little gentleman.

And Miss Stella was just precious.

She did have a short little moment, but it made for the cutest shot!

Thanks for a fun time!!

Going large.

Making a few changes on the website today.  One was that I added that adorable new header you see above.  Yes, I know he's adorable.  He's mine. ;-)  

I also adjusted the width of the page so I could go larger with the photos.  A recent favorite of a very special family.

There will be some more changes with 2011.  I am completely booked for the rest of 2010, and I have decided to decrease the number of sessions I take on in 2011 so that I can give all my clients the creativity they deserve while giving my family they attention they deserve.  I will be posting more about that in the coming days.  Stay tuned.

Product Spotlight - Coffee Table Album.

Some days it is like Christmas around here.  I get so excited when the UPS truck pulls up outside.  You know you get a lot of packages when you go out of town for a week and he notices that you don't have any packages! Last Friday he delivered one that just had me giddy! It was the Posey family's coffee table album.

I had to share a few pages from it. 

I not only love the coffee table albums because of the sleek design, but I also love how many photos you can get in just one album.  They are really a great value when you look at it that way.  Kim was able to include all her favorite images from their shoot.

The coffee table albums come with hinged pages that are UV coated.

And seeing the expression on Kim's face when she opened the box made it really feel like Christmas.

Coffee table albums come in the following sizes: 5x5, 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12.

A Good Afternoon - Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

Last week I met up with the Good family for a late afternoon shoot.  It might have been late afternoon, but this is July in Tennessee.  It was HOT! So we found some shade near the river.

Amanda gets an A+ on wardrobe for the family. I absolutely love the orange and brown.

Miss Emma is one of Molly's classmates.  Love this sweet girl.  She is so much fun.  She is such a precious girl.

And I just love that snaggle tooth grin of hers.

Next we headed to a nearby farm I like to use.  What a great surprise to find that the horses were near the gate!  This brown one is very much the poser! 

He really liked Miss Emma.  She really liked him, too!

Let's end on what I think may be my favorite family shot. 

It really was a "good" afternoon.  We laughed a lot and that always makes for a good session. Thanks again for letting me share an afternoon with your family.