Now Booking Easter Mini-sessions! | Tennessee Child Photographer

It might be chilly outside, but Easter is just around the corner! I am excited to be able to offer Easter sessions this year! These will be in-studio, so there will be no worries about the weather. I do plan to have baby chicks. I think they should be available by then. 

All the details are in the flyer below.

I posted this on Facebook yesterday, and sessions have already started filling up. This is the only day I will be offering Easter sessions, so book yours before they are all gone! 


  • 10:00 - Walker
  • 10:20 - Barnes
  • 10:40 - Spray
  • 11:00 McCleary
  • 11:20
  • 11:40
  • 12:00
  • 12:20
  • 12:40

A $50 non-refundable deposit it required at the time of booking. Call or e-mail me if you have any questions. Thanks!

Harper 6 months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

A few weeks ago I got to spend the morning with Harper again. The sweet, precious baby girl who has  stolen my heart. It was time for Harper's 6-month session. This day Stewart got to tag along with me and be my assistant. That was a treat for him. He finally got to meet the baby girl he has been praying for.

The week following our session, Harper traveled to St. Jude once again for test and to hopefully have her line removed. So many have prayed for our Harper. And our prayers have been answered. Harper received good results and while at St. Jude celebrated with a NO MO CHEMO party!

Harper and her family are such a blessing. Sure, I have known her family for some time, but to be chosen to share in her life...there just aren't words for what that means. I am so, so blessed. The first time I saw her she captured my heart. Her mommy, her daddy...just being with them. Watching them with her. Witnessing those tender moments. I'm so thankful. Maybe that is why she is so special to me. She is special to so many. God blessed us all by giving us Harper.


Harper the Precious | Middle Tennessee Newborn Photographer

Harper's mommy contacted me before Harper was born to schedule a newborn session.  At the time no one knew that Harper would require surgery just days after she was born. Harper was born with a tumor.  The tumor was removed, and Harper had many test to see if it had spread. All initial tests indicated that it had not, and when Harper was 3-weeks-old, I was able to spend the afternoon with her and her mommy and daddy. 



It wouldn't be until a follow up visit with her oncologist that they would learn of spots on Harper's liver. Harper is now 7-weeks-old and is at home recovering from her first round of chemotherapy. 

Harper is blessed with wonderful parents. Shortly after learning that Harper would need chemotherapy, Harper's dad issue a challenge for those who wanted to do something for Harper. Below are his words: 

Today our daughter turned 6 weeks old and we are traveling back to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for the 4th time in 4 weeks. Her first round of a potential eight rounds of chemotherapy begins tomorrow. We are so thankful for all your prayers but we also are forever grateful to the doctors, nurses, and staff at St. Jude. To those who may not know, St. Jude operates at absolutely $0 cost to their patients and families. For all the care and treatment Harper or any child receives they will NEVER receive a bill. Because of that I am asking for your help. Beginning tomorrow 9/3/13 I am asking for people to set aside $1 per day for 365 days that will then be donated to St. Jude. Our goal is to raise a minimum of $36,500 and with just 100 people committing to the cause we can make this happen. Please rest assured that 100% of the money raised will be presented to St. Jude on 10/3/14. If you have any questions about our cause please feel free to message Jill or I or send me an email to All donations can be sent to: Harper Bagley St. Jude Donation Fund, PO Box 470, Fayetteville, TN 37334.

Please feel free to share/repost/or send this to anyone you know. Thank you so much in advance for helping us raise money for such a phenomenal organization. The life you save may very well be my daughters.

I along with hopefully many others have taken Owen's challenge. Now on my kitchen counter there is a mason jar.  Written on the front of it in black sharpie is "Harper's Fund." Each day I put $1 in it. Not $5 so that I don't have to put another dollar in it for a few days, not a twenty dollar bill.  Just one dollar. Some days I don't have a one dollar bill in my wallet. I may have to dig through my coin purse and find 4 quarters. But every day it is $1.  Why? Because that way I think of Harper each and every day.  I think of the other children at St. Jude's Hospital and their families.  

I hope that you will consider joining me in this challenge.  I challenge you to get a jar, an envelope, a bank, anything that will hold money. I challenge you to each and every day put away $1 for St. Jude in honor of Harper. I hope that you will also join me in praying for her each and every day as you put in your $1.  I know that with our prayers joining together God will heal this sweet baby girl.  



A Mother's Love Styled Sessions | Middle Tennessee family Photographer

​Yesterday, I came across some photos of myself with my children when they were little. So many memories.  A lot of moms have the same problem I do.  They are usually the one behind the camera. A photograph with their children is a rarity. That is why with Mother's Day coming up, I thought this would be a wonderful time to set aside a day just for moms.  

I have put together a wonderful package that includes a 30 minute session to capture  the beautiful bond between mother and child.  Child does not mean only young children.  No, these are designed to celebrate moms of all ages. Grandmothers with their daughters and their daughter's daughters are welcome.  Moms with their teenage children.  Mommies with their babies. This is a time to celebrate all moms. 

mothersday minis_web.jpg

Included in this package:​

  • 30 minute session
  • online gallery of 5-10 images
  • 8x10 print framed in a white "Mary Ann" Organic Bloom frame
  • 2 5x7 prints
  • a beautiful keepsake slideshow DVD

Date: Saturday, May 18

  • 10:00 - Thornton
  • 10:30
  • 11:00 
  • 4:00
  • 4:30
  • 5:00
  • 5:30 ​
  • 6:00 - Timberman

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to reserve your session time. Location to be determined but will be beautiful rural Tennessee setting.

Sisters Spring Mini-sessions | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This year I decided to wait until after Easter to have Spring Mini-sessions.  With Easter being early this year, I was concerned the weather wouldn't be great. I think it was a good decision, because we turned out to have a lot of cool, wet weather during the month of March. However, the first weekend of April turned out to be gorgeous.  ​

I started the morning with Riley and her new baby sister, Reese. ​These images of them together just melt my heart. 


Josie at 9 Months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

Josie, Josie, Josie.  This is her 3rd time in the studio. ​Each session just seems to get better.  When her mommy and I talked about her 9-month shoot, she said she was bringing jewelry and wanted to do something like dress up.  I had just ordered this new backdrop that I am in love with, and it was perfect for this little vintage setup. 


Want a session like Josie's for your little one?  Book one of my Sugar & Spice mini-sessions May 3rd.

Sugar and Spice Styled Minis | Middle Tennessee Baby Child Photographer

Sugar and spice and everything nice.  That's what little girls are made of. ​

Announcing Sugar and Spice Styled Mini-sessions.  A special session designed just for little girls.​


Included in this package:​

  • 30 minute session
  • keepsake slideshow dvd
  • 2 5x7 prints
  • 4 images ​on CD with print release.​

Friday, May 3rd

Morning sessions:

  • 10:00
  • 10:30
  • 11:00
  • 11:30

Afternoon sessions:​

  • 4:00
  • 4:30
  • 5:00
  • 5:30 - Morgan

A deposit of $50 is due at time of booking to reserve your spot.​

Hudson 3-weeks New | Middle Tennessee Newborn Baby Photographer

Hudson's mom brought him to see me at 3-weeks.  I had eagerly been awaiting his arrival.  I've photographed his big sister several times before, and I couldn't wait to meet Hudson. ​

Hudson's nursery is done in sock monkeys so his mom brought along some props  plus a blanket made by his great-grandmother. I love when moms do that. It's the little things like that make the images so much more meaningful.  

Here are some of my favorites from our time together.​​


Mom also brought in big sister's ball and glove. Love this.  Looks like he's dreaming of future games. :-)​


Reese at 5 Months | Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Baby boys. I love them.  I especially love them when they remind of my Stewart as much as Reese does.  That long, skinny body and those beautiful eyes.  It was love at first sight for me.  He was one of the most content babies I've ever photographed. 5 months isn't one of the most common ages I have in the studio, but I'm so glad his mom brought him in at this age.  It's one of the sweetest stages and often gets overlooked.  Here are some of my favorites from our playtime together.


Sweetie Pie Bartley | Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

It's the week to celebrate love so it's only appropriate to share another Valentine Mini-session.  Really, we should celebrate love every week of the year, and I think Bartley's parents will love these all year long.  Bartley is now 10 months old.  I can't believe how much he as grown just since his visit with Santa in the studio a couple months ago. I just love his curls. Babies change so much in that first year of life, and I love a mommy who sees how important it is to capture each of those stages.  Bartley is now standing on this own and since I saw him I bet he has taken a step or two or 20!


I couldn't resist sharing this very last one. Proof that even the best subjects have moments. :-)


Sweetheart Cori | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

Earlier this week I had Valentine Mini-sessions.  Cori's mom took advantage of the opportunity to have an 18-month session of her sweetheart. I will admit that this one started out a little rocky.  However, with the aid of my very helpful 10-year-old assistant Miss Molly and a bag full of m&m's we ended up with several precious images. I love this sweet girl and am so blessed to get to capture her at each sweet stage.


The Buckley Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

This is one of those sessions that I couldn't share before Christmas. One of my favorite families.  I know I say that all the time don't I?!  Well, I am very fortunate to have made many friends through this profession.  I feel so blessed to have shared the first year of Evelyn Gray's life with Eli and Jessica. I am very thankful to now call them friends.  They recently bought a new home, and these images were taken there.  Ones to be treasured. Here are a few favorites from our morning together.


Josie at 3 months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

Miss Josie is the baby girl of another of my couples from last year.  Her mommy and daddy are the second of my wedding couples from last year to now be parents.  How blessed I am to get to share in another important ​milestone in their lives together!  I couldn't wait to meet Miss Josie.  I had seen photos of her on her mommy's Facebook page and I was probably more excited that they were to finally get her in the studio.  We got to spend the afternoon catching up and had lots of laughs during her shoot.   Here are a few of my favorites. 


This next one is special because she is lying on her daddy's baby blanket.  Notice the J for Josie. :-)​


Don't you just love those chubby cheeks.  She looks just like a baby doll.  Almost too much cuteness!  ​

Nancy Claire 13-Days-New | Middle Tennessee Newborn Photographer

​Getting to share in the happiest moments of my clients' lives is one of the things I love most about my job.  Last year, I was blessed to witness the marriage of John and Andrea. A year later, I got to spend the morning with them and their previous baby girl,  There aren't words to describe how precious she is. Here are the images to prove it.


The Mayer Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

​Once again, I am way behind in sharing images from recent sessions.  I tell myself that I am going to do better about blogging them, but it seems I am so busy trying to get everyone's sessions edited and uploaded to their galleries, that I don't find the time to share them here.  I cannot let this family's session go un-shared.  

They have a new addition to their family, so it was the perfect time to get together for a family session.  It was hot that day, and things didn't go exactly as planned at our first location (the horses were near the front gate), but as usual everything ended up just right.  Here a some of my favorite images from our afternoon together.​


​And if you just haven't seen enough, here is their slideshow.  Enjoy!​
