Harper 6 months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

A few weeks ago I got to spend the morning with Harper again. The sweet, precious baby girl who has  stolen my heart. It was time for Harper's 6-month session. This day Stewart got to tag along with me and be my assistant. That was a treat for him. He finally got to meet the baby girl he has been praying for.

The week following our session, Harper traveled to St. Jude once again for test and to hopefully have her line removed. So many have prayed for our Harper. And our prayers have been answered. Harper received good results and while at St. Jude celebrated with a NO MO CHEMO party!

Harper and her family are such a blessing. Sure, I have known her family for some time, but to be chosen to share in her life...there just aren't words for what that means. I am so, so blessed. The first time I saw her she captured my heart. Her mommy, her daddy...just being with them. Watching them with her. Witnessing those tender moments. I'm so thankful. Maybe that is why she is so special to me. She is special to so many. God blessed us all by giving us Harper.


Cori at 6 months | Southern Middle Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Sweet, sweet Cori.  I have been photographing her brother Cooper for a couple years now.  Cori joined the family last year and this is already her third time to come see me.  There are so many more options now that she is a big girl and can sit up all by herself.  Her mom took advantage of my Valentine mini-session last weekend and used them for her 6 months portraits. Such a happy, happy girl that you wouldn't guess she had been to the doctor's office that morning to get a shot for her horrible ear infection that she just couldn't seem to get rid of. So enough of my babbling!  Let's get to the good stuff!

These were 6-month photos, but we did some Valentine shots, too.

Couldn't you just eat her up?! 


Celebrating Tucker's 1st Birthday | Southern Tennessee Baby Photographer

I recently got to join in the cutest 1st birthday celebration!  It was a gorgeous September day, and Tucker's parents inviited their family and friends for a cookout to celebrate.

Of course every birthday boy needs the perfect hat. 


and the perfect shoes.

Everything was adorable.  Especially the candy display!

Another fantastic cake by the talented Carla Gault.  

And what't a party without a little cake smash?

Happy birthday, Tucker!!!

Kailey and Kolton | Southern Tennessee Child Baby Photographer

Today's feature is of two cuties that I know pretty well.  They are Kailey and Kolton my great niece and nephew. Miss Kailey is 2-years-old and is pretty much a stinker.  Her favorite word seems to be...you guessed it "No!"  She said it pretty much every time I asked her to do something for me.

It went something like this:

Me: Kailey, can you sit in my yellow chair?  

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, can you smile for me?

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, would you like a lollipop?

Kailey: No!

So maybe with Kailey no means yes?

And then there is Kolton.  Six months and smiling all the time.

Such cutie pies.  Love 'em!

Baby Paul at 6 months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

You might remember Paul from his session back in December.  His mom invited me back to their home for Paul 6-monthish session.  Our first date was rained out (it has been a very wet spring), so we rescheduled for a couple weeks later.  What a great decision that was because we ended up having the perfect weather on our second attempt. Warm and sunny - just perfect for bare feet!

 We started out with a few Easter poses.


Hello there!


And then we changed into something blue.


We also brought his rocking chair out into the front yard.  This is his serious look. 

And this is just pure sweetness.

And for the first time ever, I think he sat in the grass.  I just love those little bare feet. 

Such a sweet, sweet boy about to celebrate his first Easter

Paxtin at 6 months - Southern Tennessee Baby Photographer

If yesterday's little tease was too much for you, you need not wait any longer.  I just finished editing Little Miss Paxtin's session and could not wait any longer to share it.  She is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!

She belongs to our dear friends Brian and Stephanie.  Stephanie asked if we could come over one day and have a little 6-months shoot for Paxtin.  Since they are some of our favorite people and she is one of our favorite babies how could we say no?!

Could you not just eat her up?!

I have to mention that Brian and Stephanie have the most amazing natural light in their house.  I was so jealous.  Stephanie decorated their home with bold paint colors and it made the perfect backdrop for our shoot!

Stephanie and Brian are Auburn graduates.  Stephanie made a little blue and orange tutu for Paxtin. Pretty cute even if it is the wrong colors. ;-)

And if you haven't already had more sweetness than you can stand...

Now if you could have just seen what was going on behind the scenes.  Imagine four adults doing everything but standing on their heads for one little princess.  I know we looked crazy! I think it was all worth it though! Love me some Paxtin!

Sweet Baby Ryan at 6 weeks.

I think I have the best job in the world because I get to spend my mornings taking photos of precious little bundles like this.

Meet Baby Ryan.  Don't you just love her name - Ryan Keaton. Very non-traditional for a girl, and I absolutely love it! 

Ryan's older brother, Jaxxon, is one of Molly's classmates. Molly was so excited for Jaxxon.  I can tell that Jaxxon is going to be a wonderful big brother.  I am sure he will look out for his little sister.

I think Miss Ryan might have gotten a little bored with us. :-) 

After a while Ryan needed a little break so she had a little time with mom.

After a few minutes with mom we were able to get a few precious sleeping shots.

Baby girls are so much fun. They always have the softest, sweetest blankets to use.

And the best accessories. ;-)

The nap didn't last long. Ryan has the most beautiful nursery filled with pink ruffles and antiques.

Kari, Jaxxon and Ryan ,for letting me spend the morning with you.  Congratulations Kari and Landon.  She is precious!