LCHS Prom 2013 | Middle Tennessee Senior Photographer

Prom 2013.  What a day.  It rained almost all. day. long. ​ We stayed in touch all day.  There was a break in the weather, so we rushed to a new location since the planned location was out of the question. Some things are just meant to be, and we couldn't have asked for better conditions. Here are some favorites from Nick and Katie's session. 


Location: Lincoln County Museum

Tux & Gown: Images Formal Wear

Flowers:: Ivy Wreath

Prom 2012 - Lilia & Zack | Middle Tennessee Senior Photographer

Last but not least is Lilia and Zack. Lilia was stunning in her golden dress, and I have to say that Zack's tux may have been my favorite of the night. I'm not usually one for a white tuxedo, but he had this whole John Travolta/Bee Gees thing going.  In a good way! My assistant, Anna Catherine, and I loved it!

If you want Zack's look visit Images on the square in Fayetteville.  Flowers are from The Flower House.

This is the last of prom for this year.  I hope all my couples had as much fun as I did and had a night they will always remember.  Thanks again to everyone who chose me as their prom photographer this year.  I am already looking forward to next year!

Prom 2012 - Ryleigh & Coty | Middle Tennessee Senior Photographer

Prom! I am not joking when I say that as a photographer these are my favorite mini-sessions of the year. I just love seeing the girls and guys dressed to the nines and so excited about the night.  Everyone is all smiles.  I LOVE it!  

This year I chose the courtyard of the Lincoln County Museum as the location for mini-sessions.  I watched the weather all day, and was concerned about an hour before the first session was scheduled.  the sky was very dark, but the weather held out.  It ended up being just perfect.

First up were Ryleigh and Coty.

Coty looked smashing.

And Ryleigh?  Well the words Greek Goddess come to mind.

Both Ryleigh's dress and Coty's tuxedo are from Images Dance and Formal Wear.

Over the next week I will be sharing images from each of my sessions so check back soon!

Celebrating Tucker's 1st Birthday | Southern Tennessee Baby Photographer

I recently got to join in the cutest 1st birthday celebration!  It was a gorgeous September day, and Tucker's parents inviited their family and friends for a cookout to celebrate.

Of course every birthday boy needs the perfect hat. 


and the perfect shoes.

Everything was adorable.  Especially the candy display!

Another fantastic cake by the talented Carla Gault.  

And what't a party without a little cake smash?

Happy birthday, Tucker!!!

Congratulations F.A.S.T.

A huge congrats goes out today to the Fayetteville Area Swim Team for a great season! This weekend F.A.S.T. finished off the 2011 season with 2nd place at the RACE League Championship.  This was the best season ever for the F.A.S.T.  Great coaches and great kids. I am so proud of them all!

 Here are a few of our awesome swimmers.

The Coon triple threat.

Our points leader, Miss Kelsey.

Andrew (I'm-all-about-the-ribbons) Dixon.


Grant who moved up from Tadpoles this season to filling in for the 11-12 year-olds relay when the team need him. 


Mermaid Molly who was so persistent for her mom to sign her up to swim Butterfly even when her mom didn't think she was ready.  She proved her mom wrong, and brought home a 3rd place ribbon the first time she competed!

There were lots of new records set this season meaning there will be lots of new names on the record board. Congratulations to all our F.A.S.T. swimmers on an awesome season!  

Hannah Post Prom | Southern Tennessee Senior Photographer

My beautiful Hannah.  I met Hannah through our community theatre.  We were both in a production of Sleeping Beauty last fall, and I quickly fell in love with her.  Since then we have become dear friends, and she has even assisted me at a wedding.  I love this young lady dearly.  It was no surprise to me when she was voted Prom Queen by her classmates.  We met one afternoon after school for a post prom session. I will go ahead and warn you that this is going to be a long post.  So many beautiful images of Hannah.

Of course we had to start off with some wearing the crown.

The nice thing about a post prom session is that we didn't have to worry about messing up the dress.

Hannah is a truly beauitful person.  She's not just a pretty face.  She is good.  She loves God.  She loves her family.  She loves others. 

She has such a kind and gentle spirit.  She is the young woman all mothers pray their daughters grow up to be.

My Molly loves her. I love her.

This fall she will be leaving for college.  She wants to become a nurse.  I was not surprised at all when she told me that was what she wanted to do.  Although, I think she would be a wonderful photographer, I can see her caring for others on a daily basis.  

I am so glad we took the time to have this shoot.  

Hannah, I don't think it is any suprise by now that I love you. You amaze me.  I pray that my daughters will grow to be beautiful young women like you. I feel that I have been so blessed to get to know you.  I am so proud of you.  You are beautiful through and through!

Prom 2011 Mini-sessions | Southern Tennessee Senior Photographer

I should have shared these weeks ago.  Thanks to all my couples who came out for prom mini-sessions.  I knew the exact type  setting I wanted for this year's sessions, and it came together just as I had envisioned it.

My first couple was Coral and Travis.

Followed by friends Hannah and Will (you will see more of Hannah in a later post).

Followed by another Hanna and Will.  What are the chances?!

Alex and Jake.  Such a cute couple!I had trouble choosing just one of theirs to share!


Kaytlynn and Tristan.  Love, love, love Kaytlynn's dress!

And last but not least, Sam and Timmy.  You might remember them from last year.

Couples, just a reminder, if you haven't already ordered your prints you need to do so soon.  Thanks so much for coming out.  I had the best time.  I hope you did, too!

Run for Ella 2011.

Once again this year, I am proud to be a sponsor for the Run for Ella.  

I am so blessed to be a part of a community that pulls together to help those in need. This year's event is in memory of a very special young man who I was fortunate to photograph with his brother, Will, a couple years ago. 

Ed touched so many lives in his time here on Earth.  You can read more about his story here

Time is running out, so register now.  It's a great family event.  Our entire family will be participcating this year.  Hope to see you there!

Allie's Spring Recital - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I was going back through some sessions and realized I never shared Allie's session from this spring.  Allie is one of Molly's best friends.  My dear friend, Lana, asked me if I would take some photos of Allie in her recital ballet costume.  So we met one day during Spring Break.

I had to get lots of detail shots of Allie's costume. 

Love the ballet bun. 

Talented little hands and feet. 

We made arrangements to use the stage at our local museum. 

Isn't she a cutie?!

Lana is a very talented dancer and has taught dance for years.  She even owned her own studio a few years back.  She has decided to hang up her ballet slippers and wanted some special photos of her and Allie together. 

This was one of Lana's favorites.

And this was one of mine.

Before we left, we did a few outside in front of the gate. This is also a favorite. 

Allie's recital is now a memory, and I hope these photos serve as reminders of this special time in her life for years to come. 

Big Photography Giveaway!

I am so excited to be a part of this! I could not wait to my day so that I could share!

Why is Becky doing this?  Here is her answer as on her blog.

A: Top 5 reasons.

  1. Every family should be photographed. You are usually behind the camera, right? You need to be in the family pictures too, my friend.
  2. My blog is about sharing. There are talented photographers in your area that you may be thrilled to learn about. Plus, I love helping the entrepreneur. I’m thrilled to share talent with my blog readership and hope it gives the photographer’s business a little boost as more people learn about them and check out their work.
  3. You probably love taking pictures. As you look at the photos taken by talented artists with various styles, be ready to be inspired. You will improve your own photography skills and gain confidence in the wonderful art of preserving your own family’s memories.
  4. I want to honor and celebrate family and photography, two of my greatest loves.
  5. Let’s be honest. What’s not to love about a big, giant giveaway? This is just plain FUN.


Five Photographers from across the country around the world are being featured each day this month on her blog.  Leave a comment on Becky's blog telling why you would like to have a family session or nominate a friend or love one who you think deserves a free family session.  Only comments left on Becky's blog will count.  So go here and leave your comment. So while I love having you comment here, for this one you need to comment on her blog.  Of course you can do both, but only ones left on her blog will count for the contest.  And while you're there tell Becky how awesome she is! This took a lot of organization on her part. :-)

Good luck! 

Run for Ella 2010.

I am very happy to be a sponsor for the Run for Ella once again this year.

This is a wonderful event, and I am so glad that it is becoming at annual event benefiting a child in our community who is facing a difficult time.  Ella is truly an inspiration to all who meet her.  If you don't know Ella's story you can read it here. I was so fortunate to get to photograph Ella and her sisters, Mia and Sophie this spring. They are the sweetest girls.

Ella has amazed us all.  She brought our community together last spring/summer like nothing I have ever seen before.  I truly believe she is still with us because of the prayers said on her behalf.  That and because she still has so much to teach us.

Ella's mom, Sara, is as much as an inspiration as Sara.  We all read her daily posts last year while Ella was in the hospital and rehab.  She encouraged us all with her faith.  I love Sara.  She is a beautiful person and mom.

Even though I don't personally know Jules.  I am thankful to be part of an event that will help her and her family as she recovers from her injuries. Please join us on June 12.  It is a great family event.  Don't worry if you're not a runner! There will be lots of non-runners participating.  Last year Molly and Elizabeth even participated.  Much of the course is more suited to hiking than running.  You can do it!  

Her Golden Day.

I shared Molly's Golden Birthday Tea Party on my personal blog, but since it was such an event for us I thought I would also share it here. 

For those of you who do not know, your Golden Birthday is the year that you turn the age of your birthday.  So since Molly was born on January 7th, this year was her golden birthday.  We had been talking about it for a few months because it was such an important day.  She decided on a small tea party at home with a few of her closest girlfriends (she had a very difficult time narrowing it down to a handful).  She wanted it to be very fancy so I went from there!

We bought all the gold tulle Wal-mart had and I covered the backs of the dining room chairs with it.

We lucked up at the after-Christmas sale at Wal-mart where we found gold tablecloths, chargers and large spools of ribbon.


I had Ivy Wreath create an arrangement for our table centerpiece and an arrangement in my swan container for the foyer.  We also found the wooden “Wish” on clearance at Wal-mart in the Christmas department.  Truffles on the lower shelf of the table were the party favors.  Once again topped with gold bows we found after Christmas at Wal-mart.

Her cake. Our friend, Carla Gault, always does our cakes.  He cakes are just as delicious as they are beautiful.  Molly and I had looked through cake decorating books and she decided that she wanted a cake with pillars.  We told Carla we wanted a cake with pillars with the golden theme and this is what she came up with.  Just beautiful!

When we started planning for her party, I tried to convince her that it would be better to have it at the fellowship hall at church, but she insisted on having it at home.  Having it at home meant that she couldn’t invite as many friends. She had a very difficult time narrowing it down to 5 friends and we ended up having to borrow a small table from my sister so that she could invite 7 friends. She still had a very hard time deciding. I love that she has so many friends that it is almost impossible to narrow it down to just seven.

Chris and I acted as servers. He is such a wonderful daddy.

The girls had fruit tea with their meal and then we served punch from my grandmother’s punch bowl when it was time for cake.

I love this one of Molly.  It captured her in the moment of her special day.

It was such a special day.  I am so thankful for this little girl.  I hope I made it a golden memory for her!


LCHS Class of 1989.

This weekend was Chris' 20th class reunion. Wow! Where has the time gone?!  I was asked to take the group photo for his awesome class.

Class of '89 here is the link to order your group photo. Login is LCHS1989.  It was great seeing everyone and catching up! See you at the next one!