Prom 2012 - Lilia & Zack | Middle Tennessee Senior Photographer

Last but not least is Lilia and Zack. Lilia was stunning in her golden dress, and I have to say that Zack's tux may have been my favorite of the night. I'm not usually one for a white tuxedo, but he had this whole John Travolta/Bee Gees thing going.  In a good way! My assistant, Anna Catherine, and I loved it!

If you want Zack's look visit Images on the square in Fayetteville.  Flowers are from The Flower House.

This is the last of prom for this year.  I hope all my couples had as much fun as I did and had a night they will always remember.  Thanks again to everyone who chose me as their prom photographer this year.  I am already looking forward to next year!

Prom 2012 - Ryleigh & Coty | Middle Tennessee Senior Photographer

Prom! I am not joking when I say that as a photographer these are my favorite mini-sessions of the year. I just love seeing the girls and guys dressed to the nines and so excited about the night.  Everyone is all smiles.  I LOVE it!  

This year I chose the courtyard of the Lincoln County Museum as the location for mini-sessions.  I watched the weather all day, and was concerned about an hour before the first session was scheduled.  the sky was very dark, but the weather held out.  It ended up being just perfect.

First up were Ryleigh and Coty.

Coty looked smashing.

And Ryleigh?  Well the words Greek Goddess come to mind.

Both Ryleigh's dress and Coty's tuxedo are from Images Dance and Formal Wear.

Over the next week I will be sharing images from each of my sessions so check back soon!