Halloween Mini-sessions - Rachel, Kate and Caleb | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I don't know about the rest of you, but Halloween is a big deal at the Barnes house.  We always have a photo shoot before we head out for trick-or-treating.  This year I decided to have Halloween mini-sessions and I had several cute spooks to come to my house for them Saturday afternoon. It was so much fun, I am already thinking about what I can do for next year's sessions!

First we had Rapunzel.

Isn't she beautiful in this magical forest?

Next we had a Mardi Gras Queen.

She too was beautiful in the Magical Forest.

Last but not least....  

Na na na na... BATMAN!

I couldn't resist putting together a storyboard.

And for your viewing pleasure...

Be on the lookout for Harry and Hermione!

Noah Sneak Peek | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Noah turned two this week, and we met up for a session to celebrate.  His mom told me that she wanted something that was Noah being Noah.  I love it when moms tell me that because that is pretty much my philosophy.

It was a gorgeous afternoon, but it was a little too bright still for the spot I had in mind, so we ducked into an alley that was just right.

From there we went to another new favorite spot of mine.  Let me tell you, Noah is busy, busy, busy! Shots were taken on the go!

We did manage to get him to hold mom and dad's hands for just a second.

Then we went out to this cotton field I have been wanting to use.  I drive by it every single day, and I have just been waiting until it was perfect.  I love this shot. 

This is a very quick peek at Noah's session, but I am trying to stay more caught up on sharing at least a little bit from recent sessions. More to come!

Down Home With Santa Mini-Sessions | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I am so, so, so excited about this! Imagine this.  No long lines at the mall where your child gets a max of two minutes with Santa before he/she is hurried off his lap so the next child in line can have a turn. Imagine 20 minutes just your children and Santa.  One on one.  Lifetime memories for them.  Lifetime memories for you.  That is what you get with my Down Home With Santa Mini Sessions.

I have a very limited number of sessions available so contact me soon to book your appointment.


When: Sunday, October 16

1:00 - Hurt

1:30 -

2:00 - Boaz

2:30 - Woodward



4:00 - Spray

4:30 - Timberman


When: Monday, November 7






3:00 - Beddingfield

3:30 - Bloxham

4:00 - Jackson


Halloween Mini-Sessions 2011 Schedule & Info

I am excited to be offering Halloween mini-sessions again this year.  This year, I am also offering these as fall mini-sessions.  If you prefer to have just fall photos of your children, you may do that.  Keep in mind that it is either-or.  There will not be time for clothing changes.  Your session will be either strictly Halloween or fall.  If you wish to have both, you will need to book two sessions and pay for both times.

These will be done at my home, and the background will be the same as the photo in the flyer. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

There is no sitting fee and the package includes 2 5x7's and a sheet of 8 wallets.  Minimum order of $40.00 (plus tax) must be paid at the time of your session.   Of course, additional prints may always be purchased.  The session CD will be available for purchase for $50 (plus tax).   

Thursday, October 27


4:00 - Black

4:15 - Pierce

4:30 - Meeks

4:45 - Pearson

5:00 - 

5:15 - Gattis


Friday, October 28











Call or email me to schedule your session!

Halloween Mini-Sessions Survey

I am taking a bit of a survey to see if there is any interest in Halloween Mini-sessions this year. Halloween is a pretty big deal at our house, and we always have a Halloween photo shoot.   

I know as the kids get older, I will cherish these photos.  

I even decorate with them at Halloween.  I love having them in frames on the table in the foyer.



So please email me if you are interested in scheduling a Halloween mini-session.  I would love to do these this year as long as there is enough interest.  Thanks!

Photography Tip - Back to School

Today was the first day of school for my kiddos.  We of course had to take the first-day-of-school photo before they left this morning.  

While these are not works of art, they are some of the photos I treasure the most. It was funny because when we went outside to the porch the kids didn’t even have to ask where to go.  They all just went to the far column and turned around. This is our designated first-day-of-school photo spot.  Do you have one?  I started this on Elizabeth's first day of Kindergarten, and I am so glad I did.  This way it is easy to see year after year just how much she has grown.  It's enough to bring a tear to a mom's eye.

This is Kindergarten through 3rd grade for Elizabeth.  

A couple other things to note.  I always have the kids wear their backpacks.  So much thought goes into the perfect backpack, so you want to remember those!  Plus, it will be fun to look back and see what they were into when they were in 1st or 2nd grade. I always take a head shot or something waist up, but I make sure that I take that full length shot. You've got to get a shot of the new shoes.  Heaven knows that is the only day they will look like that!

I think you get the picture. It only takes about 5 minutes, but with a little forethought you can have back-to-school photos that you will treasure long after they have outgrown Barbie and Spiderman.

Triple Threat | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

I took a little time off this summer.  My kids had swim team four nights a week, and I just felt we needed a little more family time.  Swim team ended this past weekend, so I guess that means it is time to get back into the game.  The photography game.  This morning was a great kickoff.

I met three of my favorites clients for a summer shoot.  We've done a lot of different settings, and this time I wanted to mix it up.  These are three awesome athletes, and I told their mom to bring along their sports stuff. Let me just tell you, those few props made this a shoot the kids enjoyed rather than one they dreaded. 

We started out with some casual shots.

Ben will be a sophomore this year and will be playing center for the high school football team.  Go Falcons!

Holt is such an awesome athlete.  I've seen him hit many 3-pointers.  I've never seen him play football, but I am sure he is going to be great at it, too!

Miss Amelia Kate. This is an early favorite of her. She is a little lady, but she is still the toughest bow-wearing soccer player you have ever seen! She and my Molly played together last year, and her dad and Molly's dad coached their team.  This year Amelia Kate has decided to play club soccer, and we are going to miss her!


It was hot.  So very hot, and I don't think I would have been any hotter if we had been at football or soccer practice.  But they didn't seem to mind.  I think they knew it was going to be worth it, and I could tell they liked the ones we did in their uniforms.  They called this one their Nike ad pose.



They look pretty intimidating to me!  Thanks for a great time this morning, guys.  Hope you like the sneak peek.  There are a whole lot more cool ones where these came from! 

Words that make me smile.

This profession has brought some very special people into my life.  People that otherwise I might not have ever known, I now call friends. When I began this journey I really had no idea how much impact the comments of my clients would have on me.  There is nothing like getting a sweet email, text or note from someone telling me what their photos mean to them.  

I don't set out to just snap a picture like can be taken in any chain portrait studio.  That's not me.  That's not what I set out to do.  These are moments that will never happen again.  This day.  This moment.  It cannot be repeated.  Every day is different and a gift in itself.  

I featured Cooper on here a few days ago.  He's about to become a big brother in just a few short days. It's never going to be just Cooper again.  He's going to have a little sister.

After I posted this photo on Facebook,  I received a text from his mom. 

I LOVE the new pic you put on Facebook! I almost cried when I saw it!! I am so glad we did these! I wanted some of just the two of us! Thanks so much!! You're the best!

These photos. These moments.  They are important to Cooper's mommy.  I'm so thankful and honored that she trusted them to me.  And I cannot wait to meet his baby sister!

Marisa Sneak Peek | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Here is a sneak peek for my very patient and dear friends, Christy and Jason. They were the winner of my Relay for Life auction last year.  They came all the way from Arizona for their session!

We had a beautiful fall day for Miss Marisa's shoot.

Whatcha think?Possible future fashion model?

She was certainly a great model for me.

Such a happy girl. 

Possibly my favorite so far.

I should mention that Christy and Jason were so generous with their purchase of this session.  The entire purchase price was donated to the American Cancer Society. 

Guys, thanks for being so patient, and I will have the rest for you shortly!

My favorite 8-year-old | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

A few days after Molly's 8th birthday we had a big snow.  Big for Tennessee standards that is.  7-9 inches in places.  It was certainly the most snow that my kiddos had ever seen.  I decided we had to take advantage of it for Molly's 8 year portraits.  We took a few minutes and walked through the woods on our farm for a little shoot.  I always love photographing Molly.  I know she is mine, but she is just so photogenic! 

These next two are so Molly.

She can always give me just the right look. 

She actually found this spot on our walk. Love how the girl thinks!

A couple fun ones with a little wardrobe change.

We were a little cold, but it was so worth it.  Love my sweet, 8-year-old Molly.

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob

Once again this year I had Christmas mini-sessions at the barn.  I had some clients who had been here once or even twice, so I wanted it to look a little different.  I started pulling together things from around the house and ended up with a backdrop I loved.   

Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob were my first appointment on this freezing morning.  Their mom could not have chosen more prefect outfits for them.  They were just perfect with the all the antique props I had put together!

They were great and were such great sports considering how cold it was!

Aren't the boys handsome?!

I think they could be models for a Children's Place ad!

Mom looked pretty awesome, too!

Thanks guys for coming out and braving the cold.  As always it was a treat to see you!

Surprise visit from Santa | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Sunday afternoon I had a session scheduled at the barn and since I was going to be there anyway, I thought it would be a good time to have a little Christmas shoot with our kiddos.  I don’t seem to ever take photos of them anymore, so I thought it would be a good idea to actually schedule a shoot. We  We had been there for just a few minutes when guess who arrived?!

The kids were so excited! Stewart quickly sat down beside him and starting telling him what he wanted for Christmas.  Surprisingly, he only had two things on his list!

 Next it was Molly’s turn.  Her list was a little longer! ;-)

 Miss Elizabeth waited patiently, but when it was her turn she went right to it.  She wasted no time telling Santa what she hoped to find under the tree Christmas morning.

My friend Chris who is also a photographer always has Santa sessions at his house and we go there to visit Santa.  With building a new house, Chris decided things were just too hectic this year and didn’t have Santa sessions.  We didn’t know how or when we were going to get to see him.  I guess Santa knew of our dilemma because he came to see us. Before he left he told the kids that Jasper our elf would soon be arriving to watch them until Christmas.  Stewart promised to leave some cookies and milk for Santa and apples and carrots for his reindeer.

What a magical afternoon!  The kids were buzzing about Santa’s visit the rest of the afternoon, and they can’t wait for Jasper to arrive!


And just a little advanced notice... I do plan to have Santa sessions next year at the barn!


Ben, Maecy and Katy | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Horrible.  Just horrible.  That is what I am as of late when it comes to blogging sessions.  I guess it is because I am busy, busy, editing!  I still have lots of sessions from back in the summer that I have failed to post, but I promise to try to get them on here as quickly as I can.  

This summer I met Ben, Maecy and Katy.

Three beautiful and fun kiddos!  I should also mention talented.  Ben is taking fiddle lessons and Maecy is taking guitar lessons. 

We met at The Tolley House Bed and Breakfast in historic Lynchburg for our shoot.  We had the place to ourselves, and I must say it is beautiful. 

After a clothing change, we walked down to an old barn at the edge of the property. 

I just love red barns and barefoot kiddos!

And that my friends was my afternoon with Ben, Maecy and Katy!

Rachel - Southern Tennessee Tween Photographer

Rachel requested this photo shoot.  Last fall I had a Christmas session with Rachel and her little brother and sister.  When Rachel's mom contacted she told me this was all Rachel's idea.  Rachel wanted to have her own shoot in town.  I knew it would be lots of fun! We sent Rachel's mom around the corner and we got started.

I asked Rachel to answer a few questions for me.  

Favorite color: turquoise blue

Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Favorite subject in school: Grammar 

Hobbies: Basketball, Piano and Singing

And after looking at these photos is it any surprise that Rachel wants to be a movie star when she grows up?  If that doesn't work out, I think she certainly could have a future in modeling!

She has great style.

We had so much fun!  Rachel, I hope you like all your photos! We will have to do this again!

Cooper is 2! - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

You might remember Cooper from a few months ago when he was 18 months old.  He is now 2 and is as busy as any 2 year old boy can be.

I was glad he brought his parents along with him this time so we could get a few family shots. ;-)

But it was really all about Cooper.  I even brought along my "new" prop for him.  I found this old toy chest at the antique store and knew I had to get it.

And I'm really liking this one. 

This little stinker is just too cute! I will have the rest for you soon, Mom and Dad!

So Very Deere - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

A couple weeks ago I had a pleasure of spending the afternoon with Clay, Katee and Analyn.  

I first met them a couple years ago when they came for my Christmas mini-sessions.  Their mom wanted to have photos of them at their home.  They have a nursery on their farm and their grandmother had made the girls the cutest coordinating John Deere outfits.

Analyn was just a little one the last time I saw her.  Now she's a giggly little girl!

And just look what she can do! I think she could win a tricycle championship! The girl is FAST!

Whenever I go to someone's home for a session, I always like to get some shots of the family in front of the house.  Houses change, people move, and I like to capture the family at that moment in time at their home.

They showed me their nursery and I was so impressed that Clay had dogwood trees that are his.  He had rows that he was responsible for raising and selling.  How great to have parents who actually teach their children to work! One of the things I learned by growing up a on farm, and am so glad to see it is continuing today!

What a wonderful time I had this afternoon.  I love that my work brings new friends into my life.  It is a good shoot when we spend 30 minutes afterwards talking like old friends.  Thanks guys! I will have the rest for you soon!