My favorite 8-year-old | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

A few days after Molly's 8th birthday we had a big snow.  Big for Tennessee standards that is.  7-9 inches in places.  It was certainly the most snow that my kiddos had ever seen.  I decided we had to take advantage of it for Molly's 8 year portraits.  We took a few minutes and walked through the woods on our farm for a little shoot.  I always love photographing Molly.  I know she is mine, but she is just so photogenic! 

These next two are so Molly.

She can always give me just the right look. 

She actually found this spot on our walk. Love how the girl thinks!

A couple fun ones with a little wardrobe change.

We were a little cold, but it was so worth it.  Love my sweet, 8-year-old Molly.