LCStrong | Middle Tennessee Photographer

There is a much longer post than this one coming. I have just a few minutes before I take the kiddos to the open house at the school they will be attending for the last three weeks of the school year. Their school was hard hit by a tornado on Monday night. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago. So much has happened in the four days since then. If you follow me on FB, you know some of what I am referring. 

I will share more of the impact the storms have had on our community and the pride I feel right now as I have seen our community come together to support our friends and neighbors. So proud. 

This morning when I logged into FB, I saw the image on the right of Zach.

His sweet wife, Ryleigh had posted it. In my mind I could hear the pride in her voice as I read her words. I've known Ryleigh for years and have documented many of the milestones in her life. I first met Zach the afternoon of their engagement session. I remember him telling me that he wasn't photogenic. I told him he was wrong, and I don't think he could be more photogenic than the phone image on the right. When I met Zach he was just a lineman apprentice. Two years later he is a husband, father, and lineman. He is one of many who has worked long hours every single day to restore power to those of us who lost power during the storms Monday. I am so very thankful for the men like him who literally risk their lives for the comfort of the rest of us. I am also thankful for their families. I'm proud to know Zach and just want everyone to take the time to thank a lineman if they haven't. #LCStrong

Thank you, Lincoln County | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

​For the second time I have been honored with the award of Best Photographer in Lincoln County.  Wow.  It is humbling.  I am so blessed to have wonderful clients who allow me to share in the most precious moments in their lives.  Since beginning this journey I have been blessed to witness a birth, see dads give away their little girls, snuggle newborn babies, have cake thrown at me by one-year-olds, and hear children read their Christmas lists to Santa. I have made many new friends who first came to me for family sessions.​


I do not have words to express how much I appreciate each and every one of my clients.  Thank you for choosing me to capture the most precious moments of your lives.  Thank you for your trust.  Thank you for your business.  Thank you for your friendship.  I am truly blessed.​

Confessions of a Prop Junkie | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

It is so nice have your work recognized by your peers.  I was delighted to have my work featured two weeks in a row on Confessions of a Prop Junkie.

Last week's Be Inspired Theme was sleds and this image from Santa sessions last year was chosen out of the many entries.


This week's Be Inspired Theme is Santa,  It had to be a "real" Santa.  I may have had an unfair advantage since I'm friends with THE real Santa.


I had a big smile on my face when I visited their website yesterday and saw these sweet faces. I'm such a lucky girl to get to experience these magical moments with the little ones.  Now if Santa would just let me borrow a couple of his elves to help me get all my work done...

Jaxxon | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Yesterday I shared Kari and Landon's session.  Kari asked if we could also do a few family shots and some of the kids.  Miss Ryan was sleeping in the car and didn't care for being woken up to come out into the cool for pictures.  I mean really who would want to? LOL!  So we decided to do hers another day on her terms. We did take some of Jaxxon though.  He is such a sweetheart.  He is one of Molly's friends. They were classmates since Kindergarten until this year when he transferred to a new school.  I still miss seeing him.  It was nice to get to spend some time with him this day.

Right before we quit for the afternoon, I asked Kari if she wanted to take a few of her and Jaxxon.  This was the result.  Some of my all time favorite images.  I really cannot express how much I love these next ones of these two.  Moms and little boys just make me happy.

When Kari saw those she sent me a message. "If no other pics turn out, it will be worth the afternoon for the ones with me and Jaxxon.  I LOVE IT!! Thank you. :)"

Capturing moments like that make me so thankful for the path God has leading me down. 

If you would like to see more, Jaxxon's slideshow it below.

Thanks for stopping by!

Words that make me smile.

This profession has brought some very special people into my life.  People that otherwise I might not have ever known, I now call friends. When I began this journey I really had no idea how much impact the comments of my clients would have on me.  There is nothing like getting a sweet email, text or note from someone telling me what their photos mean to them.  

I don't set out to just snap a picture like can be taken in any chain portrait studio.  That's not me.  That's not what I set out to do.  These are moments that will never happen again.  This day.  This moment.  It cannot be repeated.  Every day is different and a gift in itself.  

I featured Cooper on here a few days ago.  He's about to become a big brother in just a few short days. It's never going to be just Cooper again.  He's going to have a little sister.

After I posted this photo on Facebook,  I received a text from his mom. 

I LOVE the new pic you put on Facebook! I almost cried when I saw it!! I am so glad we did these! I wanted some of just the two of us! Thanks so much!! You're the best!

These photos. These moments.  They are important to Cooper's mommy.  I'm so thankful and honored that she trusted them to me.  And I cannot wait to meet his baby sister!

Honored and blessed.

A few weeks ago I received a very unexpected phone call.  In fact, when I saw the number on caller id I thought to myself, 'Why are they calling me?"  It was our local newspaper, and they were calling to tell me that I had been voted Best Photographer in their Lincoln County's Finest contest.  I cannot tell you how surprised I was.  I always vote in this yearly survey so that I can at least vote for my kiddos' school. However, this year the deadline snuck up on me, and I didn't get my ballot sent in.  Never in a million years did I expect to be chosen.  

I have been so very blessed these past three years since I first decided to try my hand at having my own photography business.  I have met so many wonderful people, and many of them have become very good friends.  I have shared in the most personal of moments from birth to weddings to anniversary celebrations.  In many cases I may have been hired to do a job, but I came away with a friend. It is just a blessing sharing in the most important moments in my clients lives.  I have cried as I watched a baby enter this world, and I have cried as I watched a couple of 25 years finally have the wedding that they never had.  I have laughed at one-year-olds smashing birthday cakes and two-year-olds that were determined not to have their photo taken (in most cases I won). 

To say that I am honored would be an understatement.  I am honored everytime someone calls or emails me to schedule a session.  I am honored that they want me to capture memories for them.  I am so blessed, and so very thankful.  I truly appreciate everyone's votes.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your little and your big celebrations. 


I also need to thank my sweet assistant, Hannah Gray, for taking these photos for me.  It was a rare occassion for me to be on this side of the camera.  Thanks, Hannah!

Small token.

I received these a few days ago along with a sweet note.

"...I am so thankful for you taking the time in making our special day so perfect with all the great pictures.  You are fabulous at what you do!  I can't wait until family picture time again!"





Lori and BJ gave me such a wonderful gift by allowing me to be there for the birth of their precious Harper.  I can never thank them enough.  I will always cherish the day and am so thankful to call them my friends.  Thanks for letting me share!