LCStrong | Middle Tennessee Photographer

There is a much longer post than this one coming. I have just a few minutes before I take the kiddos to the open house at the school they will be attending for the last three weeks of the school year. Their school was hard hit by a tornado on Monday night. In some ways it seems like a lifetime ago. So much has happened in the four days since then. If you follow me on FB, you know some of what I am referring. 

I will share more of the impact the storms have had on our community and the pride I feel right now as I have seen our community come together to support our friends and neighbors. So proud. 

This morning when I logged into FB, I saw the image on the right of Zach.

His sweet wife, Ryleigh had posted it. In my mind I could hear the pride in her voice as I read her words. I've known Ryleigh for years and have documented many of the milestones in her life. I first met Zach the afternoon of their engagement session. I remember him telling me that he wasn't photogenic. I told him he was wrong, and I don't think he could be more photogenic than the phone image on the right. When I met Zach he was just a lineman apprentice. Two years later he is a husband, father, and lineman. He is one of many who has worked long hours every single day to restore power to those of us who lost power during the storms Monday. I am so very thankful for the men like him who literally risk their lives for the comfort of the rest of us. I am also thankful for their families. I'm proud to know Zach and just want everyone to take the time to thank a lineman if they haven't. #LCStrong