Honored and blessed.

A few weeks ago I received a very unexpected phone call.  In fact, when I saw the number on caller id I thought to myself, 'Why are they calling me?"  It was our local newspaper, and they were calling to tell me that I had been voted Best Photographer in their Lincoln County's Finest contest.  I cannot tell you how surprised I was.  I always vote in this yearly survey so that I can at least vote for my kiddos' school. However, this year the deadline snuck up on me, and I didn't get my ballot sent in.  Never in a million years did I expect to be chosen.  

I have been so very blessed these past three years since I first decided to try my hand at having my own photography business.  I have met so many wonderful people, and many of them have become very good friends.  I have shared in the most personal of moments from birth to weddings to anniversary celebrations.  In many cases I may have been hired to do a job, but I came away with a friend. It is just a blessing sharing in the most important moments in my clients lives.  I have cried as I watched a baby enter this world, and I have cried as I watched a couple of 25 years finally have the wedding that they never had.  I have laughed at one-year-olds smashing birthday cakes and two-year-olds that were determined not to have their photo taken (in most cases I won). 

To say that I am honored would be an understatement.  I am honored everytime someone calls or emails me to schedule a session.  I am honored that they want me to capture memories for them.  I am so blessed, and so very thankful.  I truly appreciate everyone's votes.  Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your little and your big celebrations. 


I also need to thank my sweet assistant, Hannah Gray, for taking these photos for me.  It was a rare occassion for me to be on this side of the camera.  Thanks, Hannah!

Snow Days.

I hope everyone is enjoying the snow days.  I know our family has!  

The photographer is me has been loving all the snow photo ops that this Tennessee girl seldom sees. One of my favorite things is snow on cedar.

After a day of play, I made it back into the office.  I am busy editing this afternoon.  Nice to have no where to go, and lots of time to work and have fun with the kids!

January Clean Up Sale.

One of my goals for this year is to get our house more organized.  I'm clearing out and tidying up! My computer needs some cleaning up too so as I am cleaning up I decided to have a little sale.  I am offering 2009 session CDs for $100 (regular price $225) and mini-session CDs for $50 (regular price $125).  The CD contains all the edited images from your session and a print release.  This offer is good only until January 31st and applies only to 2009 sessions. 

And since no post feels complete without a photo, here are a few of my favorites from 2009.


Happy New Year!

Christmas Urban Mini sessions | The Fitch Family

Oh how I love this family!  They are no strangers to my website.  You've seen them before.  Most recently in the library.

You might remember Miss Karsyn from her tea party in the woods.  She has grown so much since then!

Mr. Kadin.  Such a sweetheart.

These next two just make me smile.

Especially this one.

I know Christmas morning is going to be exciting at their house this year!

Christmas Urban Mini Sessions | The Dixon Family.

I love this family.  They have become great friends of mine.  They have come to the barn the past two years for mini-sessions so I was glad that we were able to do something a little different this year.

I especially love these boys.  Andrew and Alex.

I've shared these next two before, but since they are favorites of mine I decided to share them again. 

Their "cool dude" shoes as my Stewart would say.

Stay tuned for more mini-sessions.  I'm trying to do better on updating the website if you've noticed. ;-)

Christmas Urban Mini sessions | The Franks Family.

I'm taking a break for just a few minutes from designing Christmas cards to share some of the fun families from my urban mini-sessions.  We had perfect weather for it.  It was a gorgeous, warm afternoon.  

My first session of the afternoon was with the Franks family.  Last year they came to the barn for Christmas mini-sessions, so it was fun to do something different this year.

I just love my little buddy, Will.  He's such a sweetheart.

You can tell he adores his big sister, Emma.

More urban minis coming soon!

Home again.

We just returned from a wonderful stress-free week at the beach. Some much needed family down time. I love fall break!  I was so sad when we had to say goodbye to the sea.

The down week was just what I needed.  I feel so refreshed and ready to tackle all the sessions I have coming up.  I'm especially excited about the wedding I will be shooting this weekend.  Look for lots of new posts in the days to come!

Christmas Card Mini-Sessions!

Lots of you have already asked, and the answer is yes! I will be having Christmas Card Mini-session again this year!  I will be having two different days of mini-sessions, but I will have a very limited number of slots.  This is all I can fit in, so don't wait to schedule.

This year I am excited to be offering urban mini-sessions!

When: Saturday afternoon, October  23, 2010.

Location: Downtown Fayetteville, Tennessee (meeting point will be Valley Internet

1:30 - Franks

2:00 - Dixon

2:30 - Groce

3:00 - Fitch

3:30 - Mills

4:00 -


I will also have a morning of rural mini-sessions.  These will probably be at the barn again.

When: Saturday morning, November 6

10:00 - Watt

10:30 - Reed

11:00 - Lowe

11:30 - Pearson

12:00 - Parker



Price: $125 (plus tax)

What's included:

  • 15-20 minute session (the guys will love how quick it's over!)
  • An online gallery of 10-20 images to share with family and friends
  • A set of 4x6 proofs of the images from your gallery
  • An 8x10 print of your choice
  • Your choice of one of the following:

Option 1:35 5x7 Custom designed photo greeting cards. These cards are professionally printed on photo paper and come with white envelopes.

An example of one-sided photo card:

Option 2:25 5x7 Custom designed double sided greeting cards. These cards are printed on heavy cardstock and are double sided (printed on both sides). They come with white envelopes.

An example of a double-sided card:




As an added bonus I will be offering a CD of all the edited images (digital negatives) from your mini-session with a printing release for only $75.  That is half off the regular mini-session CD price.


Product Spotlight - Accordion Albums.

I am so excited about this new album I am offering.  It is so stinkin' cute! Just in time for the holidays it would make a great gift for the grandmothers.  It is just the perfect size for them to tuck in their purses.

The best part is how many images it includes.  Up to 19!  That is a lot of bang for your buck!

Another neat thing about it is that it has a magnetic closure.  So it stays together in your purse and when you are finished toting it around it will stick to the fridge or even your filing cabinet in the office. 

A minimum of three identical albums per order. I have a sample on hand if you would like to see one in person.  Contact me for pricing and more info.

Big Photography Giveaway Family - Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

You might remember a while back when I was part of Becky Higgins' Big Photography Giveaway.  Jamie was the lucky winner of my session giveaway.  She and her husband Paul brought their precious daughters, Makenna and Emmerson to meet me a couple weeks ago.  We went to the farm and let the girls run and play.

Miss Emmerson really liked picking the flowers.  She is a busy, busy girl!

Miss Mckenna was more my speed. ;-) Such a pretty girl.  She is very excited about starting Kindergarten!

I love this one of Mckenna and her mom. Makes me happy.

There were some cows across the pasture and Emmerson really wanted a closer look.  

So we all went for a walk.

A pause for a quick family shot. 

And just a couple more favorites.

Jamie and Paul, thanks for making the drive up and for sharing your afternoon with me.  So glad to have met you!  Thanks to Becky Higgins for putting this awesome giveaway together. I am thrilled to be a part of it!