Big Photography Giveaway Family - Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

You might remember a while back when I was part of Becky Higgins' Big Photography Giveaway.  Jamie was the lucky winner of my session giveaway.  She and her husband Paul brought their precious daughters, Makenna and Emmerson to meet me a couple weeks ago.  We went to the farm and let the girls run and play.

Miss Emmerson really liked picking the flowers.  She is a busy, busy girl!

Miss Mckenna was more my speed. ;-) Such a pretty girl.  She is very excited about starting Kindergarten!

I love this one of Mckenna and her mom. Makes me happy.

There were some cows across the pasture and Emmerson really wanted a closer look.  

So we all went for a walk.

A pause for a quick family shot. 

And just a couple more favorites.

Jamie and Paul, thanks for making the drive up and for sharing your afternoon with me.  So glad to have met you!  Thanks to Becky Higgins for putting this awesome giveaway together. I am thrilled to be a part of it!