Since I never did portraits of Elizabeth and Stewart last summer when they turned 8 and 4, I have been determined to have a photo shoot with each of them this summer. Elizabeth and I were planning a country shoot for her yesterday, but it rained and rained. Since I was planning an urban shoot for Stewart we switched up things a little. We were ready to go when Chris got home from work. He assured us that it was not raining in town. Well, it is summer time, and things can quickly change! It was raining when we got there, so I knew there was no way I could use the spot I had planned on using. We had to find somewhere with some cover. I knew just the spot, and it would be special because I had not used it in a long while!
I had promised him he could have the lollipop, and once I gave it to him there was no taking it away!
Luckily, I knew of another spot with some cover, so we weren't limited to just one location.
And whatta ya know? It stopped raining.! We even saw a beautiful rainbow that Stewart wanted to see if we could find the end of. Love that boy!
And I even found a new red door to use!
We had the best time! I loved the one-on-one time with my little guy. I still cannot believe he is about to start Kindergarten! When I look at these photos of him I see what a big boy he really is!