Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Charli Ann & Josi | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Oh what fun Santa mini-sessions were! I am so glad I decided to do these this year!  What a treat it was to get to see all the little ones visit Santa with their lists.  They were all so precious.  I have several to share, so I am planning to post one per day.

Charli Ann and Josi were the first to visit Santa at the barn this year.

I just love these girls.  They are simply precious.  

Charli Ann giving Santa a big hug.  Love it!

I just love this one of Josi whispering in Santa's ear. 

Their mom had asked if it would be ok to bring their dog, Molly.  I said of course!  Santa brings goodies to puppies, too!

After the girls had spent plenty of time with Santa, we did a few of just them.

And just a candid one of the girls playing with Molly.

Oh what fun we had that day.  This was just the beginning!  Check back tomorrow for another Santa session.