I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. This has been a wonderful year for brandi barnes photography, and I am so thankful for all the moments I have been so blessed to share with all my wonderful clients. I cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I have learned a lot this year about what really matters in life, and my wish for you is for you to be surrounded by those who are the most dear to you. I wish you all the best in the coming year.
Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer
One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people. Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift. What a thoughtful aunt!
My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker. It's easy to see why!
Some fun family shots.
Such a cute couple.
My favorite family shot.
Thanks so much for coming out. It was so nice to meet your family. Merry Christmas! I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.
Christmas Mini-sessions Three Sisters | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer
These three girls. LOVE THEM!
You know it's going to be fun whenever they are on the schedule!
Miss Ella just loves to pose for me. She could be a model!
Mia, Mia, Mia. Such a beauty.
Little Miss Sophie. Such a cutie.
I cannot tell you how blessed I am to know this family. Their mom has taught me so much about being a mom. They have been such a blessing to our community, and I am so happy to count them among my friends.
Merry Christmas, girls! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Christmas Mini-sessions Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer
This makes the fourth year in a row Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob have come to see me for Christmas mini-sessions. I just love these three kiddos, and their mom always does an awesome job choosing their outfits. This year she knocked it out of the park once again.
Love, love, love the hats.
What's underneath the hat is pretty stinkin' adorable as well!
It always seems that I end up converting some of theirs to black and white. They always just seem to have the perfect vintage look to them that I can't resist.
Thanks for coming to see me again this year, guys! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Christmas Mini-sessions The Three K's | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer
Let's start the week before Christmas out with another one from my day of Christmas Mini-sessions. Meet Karston, Kragen and Karoline.
Here's a favorite of the boys.
And Miss Karoline.
Isn't Christmas going to be fun at their house this year?!
Merry Christmas! I know this is going to be a very special Christmas for your family this year. Thank you for letting me capture some of the memories!
Christmas Mini-sessions The Posey Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer
In between days of Santa sessions I had a day of Christmas mini-sessions. These were also at the barn. My first family was another one of my favorite families, The Poseys. They are always so much fun when we get together.
Scott and Kim are such a sweet couple. Scott keeps us laughing.
I am sure it's not always the case, but Matthew and Nathan actually act like they like each other. ;-)
Nate brought along some friends.
Matthew doing what teenagers do best...
One last family shot.
Thank you for coming out again this year. I hope you have a very merry Christmas!
Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Jackie & Nathan | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer
Next to visit Santa were Molly and Stewart's classmates and friends, Jackie and Nathan.
Jackie was so pretty in her new dress. She was surprised when Santa called her by name!
Nathan asked Santa if he was the "real" Santa. A tug on his beard was proof enough I do believe.
Just a few without Santa.
Saying good-bye.
I'm so glad I got to share in their visit with Santa this year. Hope you two get everything on your list!
Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Charli Ann & Josi | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer
Oh what fun Santa mini-sessions were! I am so glad I decided to do these this year! What a treat it was to get to see all the little ones visit Santa with their lists. They were all so precious. I have several to share, so I am planning to post one per day.
Charli Ann and Josi were the first to visit Santa at the barn this year.
I just love these girls. They are simply precious.
Charli Ann giving Santa a big hug. Love it!
I just love this one of Josi whispering in Santa's ear.
Their mom had asked if it would be ok to bring their dog, Molly. I said of course! Santa brings goodies to puppies, too!
After the girls had spent plenty of time with Santa, we did a few of just them.
And just a candid one of the girls playing with Molly.
Oh what fun we had that day. This was just the beginning! Check back tomorrow for another Santa session.
Santa Accordion Album | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer
I just wanted to share this accordion album that I will be offering at my Down Home With Santa mini-sessions this year.
These are just the cutest albums. They are the perfect size for your purse and come with a plastic protective sleeve.
Here are a couple photos of the inside.
And a view of the back.
There is a minimum purchase of 3 identical albums. Just the right number for giving and still having one to keep!
Christmas Card Mini-Sessions 2011
I know it's still September, but it is time to start scheduling Christmas card mini-sessions! This year, I will be having one day of Christmas mini-sessions. They will be back at the barn like last year.
When: Saturday, November 5
9:30 - Dixon
10:00 - Posey
10:30 - Doud
11:00 - Walker
12:00 - Brown
12:30 - Humphrey
1:00 - Reynolds
1:30 - Bryan
2:00 - Pearson
I realize that time are hard, and that is why this year's session will be the same price as last year (and the year before that). I want you to be able to still get those photos of the kiddos/family you are going to treasure for years to come and the Christmas card that everyone is going to be talking about.
Price: $125 (plus tax)
What's included:
- 15-20 minute session (the guys will love how quick it's over!)
- An online gallery of 10-20 images to share with family and friends
- A set of 4x6 proofs of the images from your gallery
- An 8x10 print of your choice
- Your choice of one of the following:
Option 1: 35 - 5x7 Custom designed photo greeting cards. These cards are professionally printed on photo paper and come with white envelopes.
An example of one-sided photo card:
Option 2:25 5x7 Custom designed double sided greeting cards. These cards are printed on heavy cardstock and are double sided (printed on both sides). They come with white envelopes.
An example of a double-sided card:
As an added bonus I will be offering a CD of all the edited images (digital negatives) from your mini-session with a printing release for only $75. That is half off the regular mini-session CD price.
Christmas mini-sessions - Porter.
Sorry that I am running a little behind in my posting! This is the last of my Christmas mini-sessions. Porter lives in Nashville and was celebrating his birthday the Saturday my mini-session were schedule. He and his mom were in town the next Saturday for our town's Christmas festival, so we met that morning for a mini-session.
He was such a good sport and had so much fun exploring the farm. LIke most 2-year-olds he is busy, busy, busy!
But a candy cane managed to get him to sit for a few shots.
I was glad that we were able to get this shot. It's always a favorite of mine.
Anna Lindsay, thanks for making the drive down. I'm so glad we finally got to meet! Thanks again!
Christmas Mini-sessions - Bryan.
Bryan was my last mini-session of the day. He told me as we were walking to the barn that his dad has polished his boots for it. :-)
This was one of the very first shots and I think it is my very favorite. We used it for the Christmas card.
I like this one, too.
Bryan is a 3rd grader and is a football player. He plays center for his team.
Bryan's best friend, Sawyer, had been there earlier in the day with his brother and sister for their card session. Sawyer came back with Bryan, and I took a few shots of the these best friends together. Reminds me of my best friend and I at this age. This will be one to treasure in a few years.
Bryan and I had a good time and I had a lot of help from Sawyer getting to smile!
Christmas Mini-sessions - Jasmine and Caden.
Some more of my favorite kiddos. I first met Jasmine and Caden this summer when we had a family session. I was so glad that they came back for a Christmas session!
Jasmine is such a sweetheart. I can tell she is a great big sister. She is so sweet with Caden.
Caden really liked my wheelbarrow. This is one of my favorites of him.
And another favorite of Jasmine and Caden together.
Their cards are really cute, too. How I wish I could share them! I may have to have a card post after Christmas to share everyone's cards. Thanks for coming out, guys!
Rachel, Caleb & Kate - Christmas Mini-session.
Meet Rachel, Caleb and Kate.
Their mom, Becca, and I went to school together from Elementary through high school. I was so excited when Becca schedule a Christmas mini-session. I knew she would have adorable coordinating outfits for her trio.
I think this is my favorite of Miss Rachel.
Caleb. Can't you just see the mischievousness in his eyes?! ;-)
And Miss Kate. Oh such a cutie! Thos big blue eyes!
And I just love this one. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way Kate has her mouth open while Caleb is taking a bite. Sooooo cute!
Rachel helped me out on the card design and I so wish I could share it with you, but I know Becca is working on getting their cards in the mail. I certainly don't want to ruin the surprise! ;-)
Spreading Holiday Cheer.
I was in the office before 5:30 this morning. So much to get done today. Yesterday UPS delivered three big boxes full of prints and Christmas cards! Today I am busy sorting and packaging up orders to go out.
Yesterday I picked up my new bags! I can't wait to deliver all the goodies to my clients in these! My buddies at NDesigns did an awesome job on them!
Here's a little peak at a little extra gift for my Christmas mini-session clients. Something to make their holidays packages a little more personal.
And a little peak at one of the many cards I have designed this year. My clients are originals and so are their cards! All my cards are created especially for them. No two are the same!
So now I've got to get busy! After a run for more ribbon and a print cartridge I have a lot more holiday cheer to spread!
Christmas Mini-Sessions - Ben, Holt & Amelia Kate
If it seems I am posting a lot of Christmas sessions all at once it is because I am! LOL! I have been so busy editing and designing Christmas cards this past week that I have not taken the time to update my blog. I am happy to say that I have all my Christmas mini-sessions edited, cards designed and even ordered with the exception of one that I am waiting final approval on. Woohoo! I do still have several more regular sessions to get edited, but the ones that included Christmas card pachkages for Christmas are done.
So let's get on to the photos! That's what you're all here to see anyway! :-)
You might also remember this trio from my mini-sessions last Christmas. If not, let me introduce Ben, Holt and Amelia Kate.
Handsome Ben.
Cutie Pie Holt. (I bet he doesn't like me calling him that but he is!)
Sweet Amelia Kate.
Don't let Amelia Kate's sweet looks fool you. She is an awesome athlete. She had played soccer earlier that morning and scored several goals for her team! All the while wearing her trademark bow. You will never see this girl without her bow! Love it!
These three are true siblings. They were giving each other a hard time the entire time! Especially the boys!
I have a feeling Amelia Kate can hold her own. :-)
They were on the way to their Little cousin's birthday party. You will meet Porter in a later post. I'm glad they were able to squeeze a session in their busy day! Thanks guys for being good sports!
Christmas Mini-Sessions - The F Family.
You might remember this family from earlier this summer. I am so glad they chose to schedule a Christmas mini-session.
I was so happy to get to see my buddy Will again. He kills me with his "Cheese and Crackers!". :-)
You can tell that he absolutely adores his big sister Emma. She is such a natural beauty.
I love this sweet moment between the two of them.
Another favorite family shot.
And the card not chosen.... That just means the one they did pick is even better!
Thanks for coming out guys! It's always fun getting together with y'all!
Christmas Mini-Sessions - Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob.
Some more of my favorite kiddos. If you've seen much of my work in the past you probably remember this trio. :-)
So I thought the candycanes would be a lot of fun.
Sawyer with his heart...
Kennedy with her heart...
And Jacob with his... Well, Jacob had other plans for his candy cane!
Oh how I wish I could share their Christmas card with you! It is so cute! I will tell you that it uses the previous three photos. Maybe I can share it after the hoolidays. :-)
This was their mom's favorite.
And in the end we got mom in a few shots.
Shannon is such a sweetheart. We didn't have the whole family there for a family portrait, but I am so glad we got these of Shannon with the kids. As a mom myself, I love these. Every mom needs photos of herself with her kids. Both she and her children will treasure these in the years to come.
Thanks for making the drive to see me! It was so good to see you! Miss you!
Christmas Mini-sessions - Brooklyn and Bailey.
I think my mouth dropped open when Brooklyn and Bailey arrived. I love these girls (and their mom and dad). They are long-time friends. The girls were absolutely beautiful.
They had just returned home from Walt Disney World and couple days before and poor Bailey had picked up a nasty bug. Poor baby was running a fever, but you would never know it from her pictures. She was a trooper.
And Brooklyn... Well what can I say?
I honestly do not think I have ever seen two sisters loooks less alike but look more like their parents. Brooklyn looks just like her mom and Bailey looks just like their dad. It is amazing. Even Chris said it when he walked in my office while I was editing these.
I knew Brooklyn and Bailey were the only girl-only session I was going to have for the day so I bought these pink suckers especially for them. Love them!
I just love these with the lollipops!
I can't wait to design their card!!
Christmas Mini-sessions - Brody.
My second session of the morning was Mr. Brody. Brody is 2-years-old. For a photographer that is all you need to know! LOL! 2-year-olds (especially boys) may be the most difficult of all subjects. They may also be the most precious. I don't usually start out with a candy cane, but sometimes you just do what you gotta do.
What I have learned about 2-year-olds is that it is much better to just let them do what they want to do. Sometimes you'll be lucky enough to get something like this.
This is a favorite.
And so is this. Brody was pretty much done with us at this point, but it is one of my favorites. Just look at those eyes!
We had to get a few with mom. So sweet!
For a boy who was busy checking out everything on the farm, I think we managed to get some pretty good ones. ;-)