Seniors. I love seniors. Especially sweet, spunky, fun seniors like Abbie. We had a great time on her Senior photo shoot!

We met at Abbie's grandparents new log home out in the country. It was the perfect spot! There was a corn field in front of their home and we took full advantage of it. Perfect for Abbie's boots and cute little dress! Loved her wardrobe choice!

I found one thing Abbie is not very good at. Not smiling. The girl could not keep a smile off her face. I guess if you have to be bad at something, that's a good thing to be bad about. :-)

One in the road. I always love the looks people give us when we do these. It's usually on country roads so there's not that much traffic, but sometimes we have to run to the shoulder of the road. Some passersby look at us like we are crazy. :-)

A quick change, and we were back to it. I love the sunlight in this one. I love that one ray coming across her shoulder.

Abbie plans to go to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga after high school. She wants to be a neo-natal nurse. With her sweet personality, I think she will make a wonderful nurse.

We were losing daylight, but we decided to make a dash into town to try to get a few urban shots. Abbie quickly changed,and we rushed into town. I am so glad we did because these are some of my favorites.
One of the nice things about living in a small town is that you can do this.

We ended our shoot in front of the old Coca-Cola sign. I just love the colors in the sign against the colors in her dress.

I hope you like them, Abbie. I am so glad I got to spend the afternoon getting to know you. I will have more for you soon!