I think I have the best job in the world because I get to spend my mornings taking photos of precious little bundles like this.
Meet Baby Ryan. Don't you just love her name - Ryan Keaton. Very non-traditional for a girl, and I absolutely love it!

Ryan's older brother, Jaxxon, is one of Molly's classmates. Molly was so excited for Jaxxon. I can tell that Jaxxon is going to be a wonderful big brother. I am sure he will look out for his little sister.

I think Miss Ryan might have gotten a little bored with us. :-)

After a while Ryan needed a little break so she had a little time with mom.

After a few minutes with mom we were able to get a few precious sleeping shots.

Baby girls are so much fun. They always have the softest, sweetest blankets to use.

And the best accessories. ;-)

The nap didn't last long. Ryan has the most beautiful nursery filled with pink ruffles and antiques.

Kari, Jaxxon and Ryan ,for letting me spend the morning with you. Congratulations Kari and Landon. She is precious!