Welcome to the world, Baby Girl!

Yesterday was an amazing day for me.  I witnessed Miss Harper Reese enter the world.  She arrived at 12:42 PM screaming. 


I cannot tell you how honored I was to be there are Lori and BJ welcomed her into their family. There was so much love in that room.  I hope Lori will forgive me if some of the shots are out of focus.  I was crying and shaking the moment she entered the world.  I will never forget it.

Baby Luke.

Earlier this week I got to spend my morning with Baby Luke and his mom and dad.  Luke's mom received one of my gift certificates at her baby shower, and she called me as soon as she and Luke came home from the hospital to schedule his session.  Unfortunately,  Luke has a clogged tear duct, and we had to reschedule his appointment not once, but twice.  So Luke's newborn session is actually his 3-week session. :-)  

He has WIDE awake the entire time.  We had to work for some of our shots, but I think we managed to get some very special ones. After a once over I pulled out a couple of my favorites to share here. I will post more when I have time to go through them a little closer. 

I love this one of Luke and his dad.  Love the moment. 

And one of my favorites of this sweet new family.

Thanks for letting me spend the morning with you guys.  You have a precious, precious family.

Baby Love.

I just love when I edit a session and find myself smiling. I think I smiled the entire time I was editing sweet Jackson's session.  It's so neat to be sitting here working away and just realize all of a sudden that I have a big ole smile on my face.  :-) 

Maybe that is why I couldn't help but to put together this little collage of some of my favorites from his session. :-)


Sweet Baby Jackson.

I have a confession.  I think babies are my favorite subject. Oh, I just LOVE them! On a very blustery day in December I went to meet Jackson and his mom and dad. Jackson's Aunt LeeAnn and I recently reconnected via Facebook after many years since our Flag Corp days in high school. 

Long story short... that all brought me to Jackson's home on that blustery December day.  When I got there he was having a little snack.

Funny how the unexpected shots are so often my favorites. I love moments like this.  Reminds me of when my kiddos were babies...

Once Jackson's tummy was nice and full, we did a few family shots.

Sarah Beth and Brett are two of the calmest first-time parents I have ever seen.  They have so much love for this precious little one.

Sarah Beth had all these amazing things she had found for Jackson on Etsy.  My favorite was this hat.  Mom assured me that Jackson loves his hats! ;-)


This next one made the Christmas card. How could it not?!

Baby feet.  Is there anything in this world cuter?   I think not!

And all warm and cozy in his soft, soft blankets.

Is there any question why I love my job?! :-)


Sweet Baby Ryan at 6 weeks.

I think I have the best job in the world because I get to spend my mornings taking photos of precious little bundles like this.

Meet Baby Ryan.  Don't you just love her name - Ryan Keaton. Very non-traditional for a girl, and I absolutely love it! 

Ryan's older brother, Jaxxon, is one of Molly's classmates. Molly was so excited for Jaxxon.  I can tell that Jaxxon is going to be a wonderful big brother.  I am sure he will look out for his little sister.

I think Miss Ryan might have gotten a little bored with us. :-) 

After a while Ryan needed a little break so she had a little time with mom.

After a few minutes with mom we were able to get a few precious sleeping shots.

Baby girls are so much fun. They always have the softest, sweetest blankets to use.

And the best accessories. ;-)

The nap didn't last long. Ryan has the most beautiful nursery filled with pink ruffles and antiques.

Kari, Jaxxon and Ryan ,for letting me spend the morning with you.  Congratulations Kari and Landon.  She is precious!