The Sweetest Family | Fayetteville Tennessee Family Photographer

You might remember Evelyn Gray from her 3 month session.  Her mom chose to take advantage of my Baby's First Year plan, so that means I get to take her portraits four times this year! For her 6 month session Jessica wanted to do some family shots. For the location we chose the farm of a mutual friend. I've had lots of sessions there in the past, but I found a new spot that I absolutely love. You'll see what I mean. 

Eli met us there after work, so while we were waiting on him we played in the porch swing. Jessica had brought along her mother's baby quilt and it made the perfect backdrop.

Then we headed to my new favorite spot.

She's a country girl. ;-)

 I always love getting to spend time with them.  This day as no different. I'm already looking forward to her 9 month session!

Evelyn Gray at 3 months | Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

I just realized that I never shared the rest of Evelyn Gray's 3 month session.  This was just the best morning.  Getting to spend the morning with her and her mommy.

This is one of my favorites.  I have many.

This is also a favorite. Like I said, I have many.

It's obvious that Sandy adores Miss Evelyn Gray.

After spending some time relaxing in the nursery, we got dressed up for a few shots.  I couldn't believe how strong she was!


And then we got comfy again. She was such a nosy rosy in this one.  I was trying to get a shot of the top of her sweet head, but she just had to know what I was doing!


And a storyboard of some of my favorite Mommy images.

And if you would like to see more images.  Here is her slideshow. 

I am already looking forward to her 6 month session!

What makes a photograph meaningful.

When I talk about what I consider to be a good photo, I seldom mention words like exposure and composition.  Don't get me wrong.  Those are both very important in photography, but the words I am most likely to say are emotion and meaning.  For me a photo can even be a little blurry, but if it captures a tender moment it can still be better than the crispest photo ever taken. 

Chris and I both lost our grandfathers in the summer of 2011.  We lost them within the span of two weeks. They were both very important in our lives and helped shape us into the people we are today. When Chris was a teenager he helped his Grandfather a lot on his farm.  I remember when we first started dating that there were signs on the gates that led into the farm that read "Stewart Farm." Chris told me that he had helped his grandfather hang these signs.  

After Tata's passing last summer, we were going through one of his out buildings and found one of the signs. Chris took it home that day and later shared an idea with me.  He wanted me to photograph our kiddos and his sister's children with the sign on the farm for his mom for Christmas.  So he arranged it with his sister.  

I will go ahead and tell you that this next photo was my favorite from the day.  Why is it my favorite? I like the colors.   I like the contrast. I like that the little boys are holding the sign as it would have been hung on the gate. 

The next photo is the one Chris had planned.  This was the first time in years that any crop other than hay had been grown on Tata's farm.  He leased it to some local farmers and they grew corn.  He negotiated the terms in the spring before he became sick.

We weren't able to get together to get the photo taken before the crop was harvested, but Chris had the farmers leave a section of corn when they harvested the crop.  We met at the barn and secretly crossed the road to where he wanted the photos taken.  He wanted a photo of the kids holding the sign in front of the corn.  

For Christmas we gave his parents a 24x36 gallery wrap of the photo above.  Like I said before, I liked the other photo a little better, and  I wasn't able to get the image to fit on the gallery wrap exactly as I would have liked.  However, Chris loved it.  It was the one that was the most meaningful to him.  That is what really mattered.

When my in-laws unwrapped it on Christmas I knew that Chris was right.  The way his mom cried when she looked at it.  The way she hugged me.  The way she thanked me.  The emotion she felt was so obvious. This image held so much meaning for her and that meant everything about it was perfect.

It is now above their fireplace, and I hope that each time she looks at it she smiles. I hope that she has good memories.  I hope that she will know she is loved. 

That my friends is what I believe makes a photograph meaningful.

Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people.  Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift.  What a thoughtful aunt!

 My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker.  It's easy to see why!

Some fun family shots.

Such a cute couple.

My favorite family shot.

Thanks so much for coming out.  It was so nice to meet your family.  Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.

Christmas Mini-sessions Three Sisters | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

These three girls.  LOVE THEM!

You know it's going to be fun whenever they are on the schedule!

Miss Ella just loves to pose for me.  She could be a model!

Mia, Mia, Mia.  Such a beauty.


Little Miss Sophie.  Such a cutie.

I cannot tell you how blessed I am to know this family. Their mom has taught me so much about being a mom.  They have been such a blessing to our community, and I am so happy to count them among my friends.

Merry Christmas, girls!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 

Christmas Mini-sessions Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This makes the fourth year in a row Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob have come to see me for Christmas mini-sessions.  I just love these three kiddos, and their mom always does an awesome job choosing their outfits.  This year she knocked it out of the park once again. 

Love, love, love the hats.

What's underneath the hat is pretty stinkin' adorable as well!

It always seems that I end up converting some of theirs to black and white.  They always just seem to have the perfect vintage look to them that I can't resist.

Thanks for coming to see me again this year, guys!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas Mini-sessions The Three K's | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Let's start the week before Christmas out with another one from my day of Christmas Mini-sessions.  Meet Karston, Kragen and Karoline.

Here's a favorite of the boys.



And Miss Karoline.  

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at their house this year?!

Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special Christmas for your family this year.  Thank you for letting me capture some of the memories!

Christmas Mini-sessions The Posey Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

In between days of Santa sessions I had a day of Christmas mini-sessions.  These were also at the barn. My first family was another one of my favorite families, The Poseys.  They are always so much fun when we get together.

Scott and Kim are such a sweet couple.  Scott keeps us laughing. 

I am sure it's not always the case, but Matthew and Nathan actually act like they like each other. ;-)

Nate brought along some friends.

Matthew doing what teenagers do best...

One last family shot.

Thank you for coming out again this year.  I hope you have a very merry Christmas!

The Dixon Family - Fall Mini-sessions | Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Another one of my favorite familes.  We have become great friends over the past few years. 

 We probably first met with our children being involved int he same activities.  Plus the children's consignment sale I host with a friend twice each year. I've taken their photos many times. 

Alex and Andrew.  I just love these little guys.  They both have a special spot in my heart. 

It's funny that Dawn and I went to school together (she was a year or two behind me), but we didn't even know each other then.  Dawn and I started running together this year as she was training for her first half marathon.  We try to run together three times a week.  I'm so thankful for her to hold me accountable! 

I haven't talked much about, Russ, but he's a pretty good guy, too. :-)

In case you were wondering about this new spot I used for fall  mini-sessions, it is literally the side of my yard.  These huge rocks are ones that were moved when we had the basement dug for our house.  This was the perfect spot for fall photos.  I don't know why I had never realized that before!

What it is all about | Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Yesterday I was finishing up Noah's 2-year-session, and this series made me stop for a few minutes.

It had not been easy, but earlier in our shoot I had gotten a shot of the entire family looking at the camera.  It is nice, but this is it.  This is the moment that you will never get back.  In my own life, the photos like this one of my own children are the ones I treasure the most.  In my opinion this is the best kind of family portrait.  This is real.  And because it touched me so much, I also converted them to black and white.

As we approach Thanksgiving, this photo reminds me of so many things for which I am thankful.

The Arrick Family | Franklin Tennessee Family Photographer

It's not always a good thing to be related to a photographer.  Unfortunately, family sometimes has to wait a little longer than others, well because they are family.  They love us anyway and are more forgiving.  So with that, here is a semi-recent session of my sister and brother-in-law and kiddos.

We started out at their home and then made our way to a greenway where my sister and brother-in-law like to run. Here is my favorite of the kiddos.

The boys. Andy & Sam.

And Miss Anna.

I love this one of Amy laughing,

but this one is my absolute favorite of the Amy and Steve.

Before the train got there we did these.

After playing on the train tracks, we headed back to their house.  We had to take a few in front of the house.  Always a favorite of mine.

Steve and Sam were going to a Titans game that night, so while everyone else was in the house, Sam and I slipped outside for a few of him in his jersey.  Just a little surprise for mom and dad. :-)

This session ended like I wish all sessions did, a delicious meal and birthday cake!  It was like a surprise party for me!

Words that make me smile.

This profession has brought some very special people into my life.  People that otherwise I might not have ever known, I now call friends. When I began this journey I really had no idea how much impact the comments of my clients would have on me.  There is nothing like getting a sweet email, text or note from someone telling me what their photos mean to them.  

I don't set out to just snap a picture like can be taken in any chain portrait studio.  That's not me.  That's not what I set out to do.  These are moments that will never happen again.  This day.  This moment.  It cannot be repeated.  Every day is different and a gift in itself.  

I featured Cooper on here a few days ago.  He's about to become a big brother in just a few short days. It's never going to be just Cooper again.  He's going to have a little sister.

After I posted this photo on Facebook,  I received a text from his mom. 

I LOVE the new pic you put on Facebook! I almost cried when I saw it!! I am so glad we did these! I wanted some of just the two of us! Thanks so much!! You're the best!

These photos. These moments.  They are important to Cooper's mommy.  I'm so thankful and honored that she trusted them to me.  And I cannot wait to meet his baby sister!

Baby Kate | Nashville Middle Tennessee Newborn Photographer

I have been trying to get caught up on sharing recent sessions.  I am so far behind. I am trying to do better though.  When I started looking back to see which sessions I still needed to share, I couldn't believe that I failed to share Baby Kate's newborn session.  

Kate's mom was given a newborn session gift certificate as a shower gift, and I had been eagerly awaiting for her to arrive so I could visit her.  I made the drive up to Franklin one morning after dropping the kiddos at school, and spent the rest of the morning with Sweet Kate, her parents and grandma.

I brought along some hats of my own, but she had this beautiful matching blanket and hat that someone had made for her.  So we just had to use it.

Have you ever in your life seen anything more precious than this.  That sweet little smile.  Just melts my heart!

Looks like she knows a secret!

How precious is that little foot hanging over the side of the basket.  Love!

Talking to Mommy. In newborn sessions we take lots of breaks. Some of my favorite shots are taken during break time.

Love this one of three generations.

This one was Kate's dad's idea.  Pretty good idea I have to say.

I had so much fun this morning!  I got to love on Baby Kate, and I got to eat lunch with my sister-in-law at one of my favorite restaurants in downtown Franklin.  A win-win!  In all honestly, I would have been happy to just spend the entire day with sweet Kate.  


The Pendergrass Family | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

What better Mother's Day gift for a wonderful mother and grandmother than a family photo session?  That is just what Mrs. Jane received for Mother's Day this year.  We got together for our shoot one beautiful Sunday afternoon.  Everyone put on their Sunday best and we headed for the cow pasture.  Where else?!

I love this one of the grandkiddos.  So sweet.

Justin and family.

Jackie and family.

Sweet Lily.  Such a precious girl.

My favorite of Jake.  

Luke, oh, Luke.  Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.  

Beautiful Kayla.  I could shoot her all day.

Sweet AnnaKate.


One last family favorite.

This is such a sweet family, and I was so glad to get to spend the afternoon with them.  


I am very behind in posting sessions and plan to share a lot more this week, so come back soon!

New Beginnings | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

Now that the Christmas rush is over and here we are on the last day of the first month of the new year. Wow.  Isn't that just crazy?  Do we still call it a new year 31 days into it?  Well, it still feels like a new year to me.  I love the beginning of new year.  I feel like it is somewhat a blank slate and I get to start all over again.  The past is not necessarily forgotten, but the future feels full of promise.  That is how I feel when I look at the photos from this session. 

Dawn contacted me in the fall to schedule a session of her new family.  She and Brad were recently married and are in the process of blending their new family together. We met at the beautiful Green Haven Creek Bed & Breakfast one afternoon after school.  Dawn had scoped it out and gotten permission for us to use the grounds. It was the perfect setting for this new family.

I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see Dawn so very happy.  She certainly deserves it.

This is one of my favorites.  Maybe my very favorite.  It just makes me smile.

And their  kiddos.  Talk about sweetness.


 Baylee, Aubrey and Dylan.  The girls could be models, 

and Dylan... well they don't come much cuter than him!

Such a sweet family.

I just couldn't resist a shot of the boots!

This tree was just too awesome not to use.  I love this.

What a wonderful way to spend my afternoon.  With a very special "new" family.  I am so glad that Dawn and Brad have found each other.  They have such a beautiful family and I wish them a long and happy life together. 

The Blessing of Friends.

Sometimes in this profession I am truly blessed.  Yes, I love being able to share in special moments in the lives of my clients, but the session I am sharing today may have been the one I have been most blessed by to date.  I am reminded of this passage, and try to live my life accordingly.  

1 “Take heed that you do not do your charitable deeds before men, to be seen by them. Otherwise you have no reward from your Father in heaven. 2 Therefore, when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. 3 But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, 4that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly.  --Matthew 6:1-4

I share this session not to boast of my own works, but to share an act of love and kindness that truly touched me.  

I was contacted in the fall by a friend.  She contacted me regarding another friend of hers, Amy.  Not a friend that I knew, but a lady that I had heard mention of from other friends.  Amy had been diagnosed with cancer, and was scheduled to begin chemotherapy the following week.  Our mutual friend told me that it was her wish for Amy and her family to be able to have family portraits done before Amy began her chemo.  She knew that within the next 1-2 weeks, Amy would be losing her hair from the treatments.  She asked me if there was anyway I could work them in that weekend.  It was very important to her that Amy not know who had arranged for the session.

I had urban Christmas mini-sessions scheduled for that Saturday.  I had completely booked all the spaces I had allowed, but I thought that I would have time to do one more session after the last one I had scheduled.  Our mutual friend said that she would pay the session fee, and Amy could then just order the photos she wanted.  Touched by the kindness of our mutual friend and thankful for the opportunity to do something good for someone else, I told her that I would do the session at no charge. She could then put her part towards a product credit for Amy.

I got Amy's phone number and called her with the good news.  Luckily, the time worked for her family, so that Saturday afternoon after my last Christmas session we met for the first time.


As we walked and talked it was obvious that Amy's children adore her.  It is easy to see why.  She is a stay-at-home  mom and she home schools.  Family is very important to her.

After our session I ran into another one of Amy's friends.  She told me that she had heard about their session and wanted to also make an anonymous donation towards Amy's product credit.  Wow.  I was touched again. Even though I had only recently met Amy, I knew that she must be a very special person for these ladies to want to do this for her.

It did my heart good just to see the love that they had for their friend. They asked me to help them do something for a friend.  Something that would bless their friend.  I in the end was just as blessed as anyone involved.  So very blessed to have gotten to be a witness to such love, kindness and friendship. 

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Corbin

Corbin is no stranger to my website.  He has become one of my best little buddies.    It is obvious that Corbin loves his mommy very much.  I love that.

He wore his cowboy hat and boots which were perfect for photos at the barn.

And if he hasn't stolen your heart already...

The letters say it all.

I hope Santa was good to you this year, Corbin!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | The Lowe Family

I tried to post the rest of my Christmas mini-sessions before Christmas but had some computer/internet issues that prevented me from it.  Thankfully, everything seems to be fixed now, so I am playing a bit of catchup.  It's still the season until New Year's isn't it?  We'll say it is!

One word comes to mind when I think of this family - FUN! We had never met before, but it felt like we were old friends from the get-go. Love that!


Daniel was such a little gentleman.

And Miss Stella was just precious.

She did have a short little moment, but it made for the cutest shot!

Thanks for a fun time!!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob

Once again this year I had Christmas mini-sessions at the barn.  I had some clients who had been here once or even twice, so I wanted it to look a little different.  I started pulling together things from around the house and ended up with a backdrop I loved.   

Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob were my first appointment on this freezing morning.  Their mom could not have chosen more prefect outfits for them.  They were just perfect with the all the antique props I had put together!

They were great and were such great sports considering how cold it was!

Aren't the boys handsome?!

I think they could be models for a Children's Place ad!

Mom looked pretty awesome, too!

Thanks guys for coming out and braving the cold.  As always it was a treat to see you!