The Organic Bloom Frames

Last week I had 3 huge boxes of The Organic Bloom frames delivered. Sorting them took over both my kitchen and dining room tables.

These frames come in so many shapes and sizes.  The options are almost overwhelming.  I haven't found another line of frames that can compare.

I love that so many of my clients are opting to order them and are getting their prints up on their walls! Plus when they order one of my new portrait collections, they receive 10% off any frame order placed at the same time. 

I ordered a gigantic 16x24 frame and three 8x10 frames for our new family room.  Now just to decide which images of the kids I want to use!

Spring Break Urban Minis

We're going to be in town during spring break, so I thought that would be the perfect time to schedule a day of mini-sessions.  This would be a great time to get some new photos of the kids or the whole family.  These are also great for senior guys (I design custom announcements) or even an engagement shoot.  These minis will have an urban theme and will take place around downtown Fayetteville.

When: Tuesday, March 13 

Where: Downtown Fayetteville

Times: 10:30-3:30

What's included:

  •  20 minute session
  • 5-10 photos to choose from
  • 1 8x10
  • 2 5x7s
  • 8 wallets
  • Keepsake slideshow

Price $125 plus tax

A $50 deposit is due at the time of booking.  No refunds.  If you are unable to make your session, you may sell or give it to someone else, but no refunds will be made. 

My Funny Valentine

Well, I'm a little late sharing my little guy's Valentine's Day cards. I didn't want to share them too early, and then I was busy yesterday and didn't have the time to post them.  I cannot take credit for the idea.  It was inspired by a Valentine I saw on Pinterest. Stewart received some of these stick-on mustaches for Christmas, and I knew I had to use one for his Valentine shoot.  These are the ones he gave to his classmates yesterday.

For you creative ones, the paper is from Gina Miller's Christmas Prints Paper Pack.  And while I am sharing, here is Miss Molly's Valentine.

Where are Elizabeth's you ask? Apparently 5th graders are too old for Valentine Cards. :-)

Jaxxon | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Yesterday I shared Kari and Landon's session.  Kari asked if we could also do a few family shots and some of the kids.  Miss Ryan was sleeping in the car and didn't care for being woken up to come out into the cool for pictures.  I mean really who would want to? LOL!  So we decided to do hers another day on her terms. We did take some of Jaxxon though.  He is such a sweetheart.  He is one of Molly's friends. They were classmates since Kindergarten until this year when he transferred to a new school.  I still miss seeing him.  It was nice to get to spend some time with him this day.

Right before we quit for the afternoon, I asked Kari if she wanted to take a few of her and Jaxxon.  This was the result.  Some of my all time favorite images.  I really cannot express how much I love these next ones of these two.  Moms and little boys just make me happy.

When Kari saw those she sent me a message. "If no other pics turn out, it will be worth the afternoon for the ones with me and Jaxxon.  I LOVE IT!! Thank you. :)"

Capturing moments like that make me so thankful for the path God has leading me down. 

If you would like to see more, Jaxxon's slideshow it below.

Thanks for stopping by!

Kari & Landon | Fayetteville Middle Tennessee Photographer

Kari booked one of my Love the One You're With mini-sessions for her and Landon.  It was a warm day for January, but I don't think they would have minded if it was freezing.  I love it when after several years together a couple is still as in love as in the very beginning.  Maybe even more so.  Sessions like these are some of my very favorites. I think you can see why.


And if you would like to see their slideshow...

Cori at 6 months | Southern Middle Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Sweet, sweet Cori.  I have been photographing her brother Cooper for a couple years now.  Cori joined the family last year and this is already her third time to come see me.  There are so many more options now that she is a big girl and can sit up all by herself.  Her mom took advantage of my Valentine mini-session last weekend and used them for her 6 months portraits. Such a happy, happy girl that you wouldn't guess she had been to the doctor's office that morning to get a shot for her horrible ear infection that she just couldn't seem to get rid of. So enough of my babbling!  Let's get to the good stuff!

These were 6-month photos, but we did some Valentine shots, too.

Couldn't you just eat her up?! 


What makes a photograph meaningful.

When I talk about what I consider to be a good photo, I seldom mention words like exposure and composition.  Don't get me wrong.  Those are both very important in photography, but the words I am most likely to say are emotion and meaning.  For me a photo can even be a little blurry, but if it captures a tender moment it can still be better than the crispest photo ever taken. 

Chris and I both lost our grandfathers in the summer of 2011.  We lost them within the span of two weeks. They were both very important in our lives and helped shape us into the people we are today. When Chris was a teenager he helped his Grandfather a lot on his farm.  I remember when we first started dating that there were signs on the gates that led into the farm that read "Stewart Farm." Chris told me that he had helped his grandfather hang these signs.  

After Tata's passing last summer, we were going through one of his out buildings and found one of the signs. Chris took it home that day and later shared an idea with me.  He wanted me to photograph our kiddos and his sister's children with the sign on the farm for his mom for Christmas.  So he arranged it with his sister.  

I will go ahead and tell you that this next photo was my favorite from the day.  Why is it my favorite? I like the colors.   I like the contrast. I like that the little boys are holding the sign as it would have been hung on the gate. 

The next photo is the one Chris had planned.  This was the first time in years that any crop other than hay had been grown on Tata's farm.  He leased it to some local farmers and they grew corn.  He negotiated the terms in the spring before he became sick.

We weren't able to get together to get the photo taken before the crop was harvested, but Chris had the farmers leave a section of corn when they harvested the crop.  We met at the barn and secretly crossed the road to where he wanted the photos taken.  He wanted a photo of the kids holding the sign in front of the corn.  

For Christmas we gave his parents a 24x36 gallery wrap of the photo above.  Like I said before, I liked the other photo a little better, and  I wasn't able to get the image to fit on the gallery wrap exactly as I would have liked.  However, Chris loved it.  It was the one that was the most meaningful to him.  That is what really mattered.

When my in-laws unwrapped it on Christmas I knew that Chris was right.  The way his mom cried when she looked at it.  The way she hugged me.  The way she thanked me.  The emotion she felt was so obvious. This image held so much meaning for her and that meant everything about it was perfect.

It is now above their fireplace, and I hope that each time she looks at it she smiles. I hope that she has good memories.  I hope that she will know she is loved. 

That my friends is what I believe makes a photograph meaningful.

Morgan is 4! | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

With all the Christmas sessions I got behind in posting my regular sessions from late 2011.  Morgan was actually my last session of the year, and what a great one it was to end with.  

Morgan was the first one to use my "new" old camera. She took a few shots of me while I was taking a few of her. 

Morgan is fun, fun, fun and I knew we were going to have lots of laughs. She kept me laughing with all her jokes.

Smiles were no problem for Morgan.  This is the real thing.  No fake smiles.  Just lots of laughs!

I love this brick wall.  One of my very favorite backdrops for my urban sessions.

And I love this one of Morgan and her mom. 

I'm going to end on my absolute favorite of the day.  I love so many of them, but I think this is one of my all-time favorites ever.

Morgan, you were such a trooper.  Thanks for being so awesome (as always) and for making my last session of the year one of the very best!

The Sweetest Valentines | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

I don't know if you have noticed it, but the stores are clearing the shelves of candy canes and replacing them with conversation hearts.  Yes, it is time to start thinking about Valentine's Day.  This year why not do something a little different and give a card that will find it's way into the photo album or scrapbook rather than that file where all others seem to go?  You know what I mean!

This year I am offering Valentine's in two different sizes.  

Wallets -

Pricing for Wallets:

$10 per sheet of 8 with minimum order of 2 sheets.


Or 4x6 prints

Pricing for 4x6 Valentines:

$2 per print with a minimum order of 12 prints.

This year I am offering 6 different designs.  You may see them here on my Facebook page.  Orders should be placed no later than February 3rd to insure they arrive in time for Valentine's Day.

Want a creative idea of how to use your 4x6 Valentine prints?  See my tutorial for making popcorn valentines.  A nice alternative to candy.

Love The One You're With Sessions | Southern Middle Tennessee Photographer

I am so excited about 2012!  I have so many fun things in the works!  The first of which I am announcing today.  This year, I will be having lots of styled mini-sessions.  I will soon be creating a separate tab at the top of the page giving more details on the many different styled mini-sessions I will offering this year. There will be something for everyone!

The first themed minis of the year I am calling "Love The One You're With."

As you can see these have a bit of a Valentine's Day theme.

Getting married this year?  This session would be great for a quick engagement shoot.  Guys need a Valentine Day gift idea?  This would get you some major brownie points!  I can even package up a gift certificate all fancy for you to surprise her. Was the last time you had photos taken together your wedding day? Well, it's time for some new ones!

On to the details!

When: Saturday, January 28 (rain date Feb. 4)

Where: Downtown Fayetteville

Times: 10:30-3:30

What's included:


  • 20 minute session
  • 5-10 photos to choose from
  • 1 8x10
  • 2 5x7s
  • 8 wallets
  • Keepsake slideshow

Price $125 plus tax

A $50 deposit is due at the time of booking.  No refunds.  If you are unable to make your session, you may sell or give it to someone else, but no refunds will be made. 




Announcing 2012's Biggest The Organic Bloom Frame Sale!!!

I'm really excited about this!  I am in love with The Organic Bloom frames.  They are so unique (they come in 16 different shapes and 53 colors.  Yes, I said 53 colors! And the quality is exceptional!

So now for the details!

I will be placing a very large frame order on January 14th.  For this order only, I am offering 20% off all frames orders placed by my clients.  This is the only time in 2012 I will offering such a discount on these frames. I know a lot of you have seen the frames in person in my new office/gallery.  Well, now is your chance to get those new prints in one of these awesome frames, or order an enlargement of your favorite image from your session and get it on the wall!

So this is how it works, I will be taking orders through January 13.  I will be glad to meet you in the office to show you all the options.  I have paint samples so there will be no guess work on the color of your frame. I have several frames in the office so that you can see many of the shapes and sizes available.  I am requiring a deposit  of 50% on this frame order.  These frames are custom made when they are ordered, so expect your frames to arrive in about 4 weeks. 

Like I said before, this is the only time in 2012 I will be offering these frames at such a discount.  20% off all frames!!!

Contact me for a price list or any questions. Thanks!

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  This has been a wonderful year for brandi barnes photography, and I am so thankful for all the moments I have been so blessed to share with all my wonderful clients.  I cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I have learned a lot this year about what really matters in life, and my wish for you is for you to be surrounded by those who are the most dear to you.  I wish you all the best in the coming year.

Christmas Mini-sessions Brystol | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This was a fun one!  We got off to a bit of a rocky start, but it all worked out in the end.  Miss Brystol wasn't too into this whole Christmas-picture-taking-thing.

Glad I was clicking because it was the shot her parents chose for their Christmas cards.  Made for an awfully adorable card!

Things did get better though.

Helping me with a little decorating. 

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at Brystol's house this year?!  Merry Christmas, Brystol.  I know Santa is going to be good to you!

Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people.  Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift.  What a thoughtful aunt!

 My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker.  It's easy to see why!

Some fun family shots.

Such a cute couple.

My favorite family shot.

Thanks so much for coming out.  It was so nice to meet your family.  Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.

Christmas Mini-sessions Three Sisters | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

These three girls.  LOVE THEM!

You know it's going to be fun whenever they are on the schedule!

Miss Ella just loves to pose for me.  She could be a model!

Mia, Mia, Mia.  Such a beauty.


Little Miss Sophie.  Such a cutie.

I cannot tell you how blessed I am to know this family. Their mom has taught me so much about being a mom.  They have been such a blessing to our community, and I am so happy to count them among my friends.

Merry Christmas, girls!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 

Christmas Mini-sessions Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This makes the fourth year in a row Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob have come to see me for Christmas mini-sessions.  I just love these three kiddos, and their mom always does an awesome job choosing their outfits.  This year she knocked it out of the park once again. 

Love, love, love the hats.

What's underneath the hat is pretty stinkin' adorable as well!

It always seems that I end up converting some of theirs to black and white.  They always just seem to have the perfect vintage look to them that I can't resist.

Thanks for coming to see me again this year, guys!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas Mini-sessions The Three K's | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Let's start the week before Christmas out with another one from my day of Christmas Mini-sessions.  Meet Karston, Kragen and Karoline.

Here's a favorite of the boys.



And Miss Karoline.  

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at their house this year?!

Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special Christmas for your family this year.  Thank you for letting me capture some of the memories!