Now booking Americana Styled Mini-sessions - June 23rd!

Maybe you've seen my Christmas mini-sessions that take place each year at the barn. Well, I was thinking, and what is more American than a red barn?  So I decided to this year try something new and offer Americana mini-sessions at the barn.  This setup will be similar to my Christmas mini-sessions set, but with more antique red, white and blue.  These styled sessions would be great for families (up to 5 people) and kiddos.

Date: Saturday, June 23rd

Package includes the following:

  • 20 minute session for up to 5 people
  • 10-15 images in an online gallery to share with family and friends
  • 11x14 print
  • 8x10 print
  • 2 5x7 prints
  • 4 4x6 prints
  • Keepsake slideshow

Price is $135 (plus tax). A non-refundable deposit of $50 is due at time of booking to reserve your appointment. The balance is due at the time of your session. 


10:00 - Reed








Call 931.993.7826 or email with questions or to book your session.

Lily and Luke | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Luke and Lily. They always make me smile. I was so glad when their mom called me about scheduling a spring mini session. 

Miss Lily is such a sweetheart.  She has such a gentle spirit.  Just a sweet, sweet girl.

Luke is one of those little ones that I could just eat up. So stinkin' cute.  He was so funny with the baby chicks.

Lily has a nuturing touch. She's so patient with Luke and very mothering. She reminds me of my Molly.  I loved watching them together.

Here is their sweet slideshow.

I can't wait until next time I get to photograph them.  Next time they will have a new playmate. :-)

Lorin & Grant - Spring Minis | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

Even though we had a mild, mild winter, I was so glad when there were leaves on the trees again.  Even giddy you might say.  I pushed back my Easter/Spring Mini sessions a week just to make sure that everything would be green.  It was like the countryside came back to life in that week.  I could not have asked for a more perfect day.  I've been busy editing, and I've finally found time to share some images from that day. I need to try to share a lot this week, because the weekend is full of new sessions. Love this time of year!

Lorin and Grant. Two special kiddos to me.  So glad to get to do their portraits again.  I know their mom is very happy with them.  So that makes me happy.  Here are a few of my favorites from their session.

And here is their video if you would like to see more. :-)

Stay tuned.  I have many more to share!

Easter Mini-Session Schedule | Fayetteville Tennessee Child Photographer

I am now booking Easter mini-sessions.  This years sessions will take place at beautiful Shadow Valley located in Fayetteville, Tennessee.


10:00 -

10:30 - Martinez

11:00 - Bloxham

11:30 - Gattis


1:00 - Steelman




3:00 Parker

Let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

My Funny Valentine

Well, I'm a little late sharing my little guy's Valentine's Day cards. I didn't want to share them too early, and then I was busy yesterday and didn't have the time to post them.  I cannot take credit for the idea.  It was inspired by a Valentine I saw on Pinterest. Stewart received some of these stick-on mustaches for Christmas, and I knew I had to use one for his Valentine shoot.  These are the ones he gave to his classmates yesterday.

For you creative ones, the paper is from Gina Miller's Christmas Prints Paper Pack.  And while I am sharing, here is Miss Molly's Valentine.

Where are Elizabeth's you ask? Apparently 5th graders are too old for Valentine Cards. :-)

Cori at 6 months | Southern Middle Fayetteville Tennessee Baby Photographer

Sweet, sweet Cori.  I have been photographing her brother Cooper for a couple years now.  Cori joined the family last year and this is already her third time to come see me.  There are so many more options now that she is a big girl and can sit up all by herself.  Her mom took advantage of my Valentine mini-session last weekend and used them for her 6 months portraits. Such a happy, happy girl that you wouldn't guess she had been to the doctor's office that morning to get a shot for her horrible ear infection that she just couldn't seem to get rid of. So enough of my babbling!  Let's get to the good stuff!

These were 6-month photos, but we did some Valentine shots, too.

Couldn't you just eat her up?! 


Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  This has been a wonderful year for brandi barnes photography, and I am so thankful for all the moments I have been so blessed to share with all my wonderful clients.  I cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. I have learned a lot this year about what really matters in life, and my wish for you is for you to be surrounded by those who are the most dear to you.  I wish you all the best in the coming year.

Christmas Mini-sessions Brystol | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This was a fun one!  We got off to a bit of a rocky start, but it all worked out in the end.  Miss Brystol wasn't too into this whole Christmas-picture-taking-thing.

Glad I was clicking because it was the shot her parents chose for their Christmas cards.  Made for an awfully adorable card!

Things did get better though.

Helping me with a little decorating. 

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at Brystol's house this year?!  Merry Christmas, Brystol.  I know Santa is going to be good to you!

Christmas Mini-Sessions The Tipper Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

One of the wonderful things about my job is getting to meet new people.  Next up is the Tipper Family. Katie's aunt gave them the mini-session as a Christmas gift.  What a thoughtful aunt!

 My friend, Anna Catherine, who was assisting me that day, fell pretty hard for Walker.  It's easy to see why!

Some fun family shots.

Such a cute couple.

My favorite family shot.

Thanks so much for coming out.  It was so nice to meet your family.  Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special one for your sweet family.

Christmas Mini-sessions Three Sisters | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

These three girls.  LOVE THEM!

You know it's going to be fun whenever they are on the schedule!

Miss Ella just loves to pose for me.  She could be a model!

Mia, Mia, Mia.  Such a beauty.


Little Miss Sophie.  Such a cutie.

I cannot tell you how blessed I am to know this family. Their mom has taught me so much about being a mom.  They have been such a blessing to our community, and I am so happy to count them among my friends.

Merry Christmas, girls!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! 

Christmas Mini-sessions Sawyer, Kennedy & Jacob | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

This makes the fourth year in a row Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob have come to see me for Christmas mini-sessions.  I just love these three kiddos, and their mom always does an awesome job choosing their outfits.  This year she knocked it out of the park once again. 

Love, love, love the hats.

What's underneath the hat is pretty stinkin' adorable as well!

It always seems that I end up converting some of theirs to black and white.  They always just seem to have the perfect vintage look to them that I can't resist.

Thanks for coming to see me again this year, guys!  I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas Mini-sessions The Three K's | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Let's start the week before Christmas out with another one from my day of Christmas Mini-sessions.  Meet Karston, Kragen and Karoline.

Here's a favorite of the boys.



And Miss Karoline.  

Isn't Christmas going to be fun at their house this year?!

Merry Christmas!  I know this is going to be a very special Christmas for your family this year.  Thank you for letting me capture some of the memories!

Christmas Mini-sessions The Posey Family | Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

In between days of Santa sessions I had a day of Christmas mini-sessions.  These were also at the barn. My first family was another one of my favorite families, The Poseys.  They are always so much fun when we get together.

Scott and Kim are such a sweet couple.  Scott keeps us laughing. 

I am sure it's not always the case, but Matthew and Nathan actually act like they like each other. ;-)

Nate brought along some friends.

Matthew doing what teenagers do best...

One last family shot.

Thank you for coming out again this year.  I hope you have a very merry Christmas!

Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Braden | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Our last session of the day was Braden.  He was so excited about seeing Santa.

He had his list memorized and went into great detail!  I just has to smile!

Braden had picked out his own outfit.  Doesn't he look handsome?!

One last hug before saying Good-bye.

What a wonderful first day of Santa sessions we had.  I say again and again how blessed I am to get to share in so many special memories.  This day was certainly a blessing for me.  We had another afternoon of Santa sessions, and I am looking forward to sharing those, too.

Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Jackson | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Another on of my favorite kiddos.  This makes the third year I have done Jackson's Christmas photos. The first time he was brand new.

Now look how big he is!

Jackson was not too sure about Santa.

In fact at first he was pretty sure he did not like Santa.

But Santa is a Jolly Old Elf, and he worked hard to make Jackson his friend.  Soon they were spotting reindeer.

And peeking through gates.

In the end they were friends.

Merry Christmas, Jackson!

Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Kaylee & Connor | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Next up is two of my favorite kiddos.  Kaylee and Connor.

Connor had grown so much since his 6-month session this summer.  You never know about this age, but he wasn't frightened at all by Santa.

In fact, he was very curious.  Yes, it is real!

This was one of my favorites of the day.

Kaylee wasn't too sure about Santa in the beginning.  She did tell him that she would like for him to bring her a cash register.  She told him the most important thing of all.  That her mommy would like some jewelry!  I never thought about trying that!

Before she left she came back to give Santa a big hug.

Kaylee, I hope you get that cash register you're hoping for.  I bet Santa remembers your mommy, too!

Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Jackie & Nathan | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Next to visit Santa were Molly and Stewart's classmates and friends, Jackie and Nathan. 

Jackie was so pretty in her new dress. She was surprised when Santa called her by name!

Nathan asked Santa if he was the "real" Santa.  A tug on his beard was proof enough I do believe.

Just a few without Santa.

Saying good-bye.

I'm so glad I got to share in their visit with Santa this year.  Hope you two get everything on your list!

Santa Mini-Sessions 2011 Charli Ann & Josi | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Oh what fun Santa mini-sessions were! I am so glad I decided to do these this year!  What a treat it was to get to see all the little ones visit Santa with their lists.  They were all so precious.  I have several to share, so I am planning to post one per day.

Charli Ann and Josi were the first to visit Santa at the barn this year.

I just love these girls.  They are simply precious.  

Charli Ann giving Santa a big hug.  Love it!

I just love this one of Josi whispering in Santa's ear. 

Their mom had asked if it would be ok to bring their dog, Molly.  I said of course!  Santa brings goodies to puppies, too!

After the girls had spent plenty of time with Santa, we did a few of just them.

And just a candid one of the girls playing with Molly.

Oh what fun we had that day.  This was just the beginning!  Check back tomorrow for another Santa session.

Halloween Mini-sessions - Rachel, Kate and Caleb | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I don't know about the rest of you, but Halloween is a big deal at the Barnes house.  We always have a photo shoot before we head out for trick-or-treating.  This year I decided to have Halloween mini-sessions and I had several cute spooks to come to my house for them Saturday afternoon. It was so much fun, I am already thinking about what I can do for next year's sessions!

First we had Rapunzel.

Isn't she beautiful in this magical forest?

Next we had a Mardi Gras Queen.

She too was beautiful in the Magical Forest.

Last but not least....  

Na na na na... BATMAN!

I couldn't resist putting together a storyboard.

And for your viewing pleasure...

Be on the lookout for Harry and Hermione!