Marisa Sneak Peek | Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Here is a sneak peek for my very patient and dear friends, Christy and Jason. They were the winner of my Relay for Life auction last year.  They came all the way from Arizona for their session!

We had a beautiful fall day for Miss Marisa's shoot.

Whatcha think?Possible future fashion model?

She was certainly a great model for me.

Such a happy girl. 

Possibly my favorite so far.

I should mention that Christy and Jason were so generous with their purchase of this session.  The entire purchase price was donated to the American Cancer Society. 

Guys, thanks for being so patient, and I will have the rest for you shortly!

New Beginnings | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

Now that the Christmas rush is over and here we are on the last day of the first month of the new year. Wow.  Isn't that just crazy?  Do we still call it a new year 31 days into it?  Well, it still feels like a new year to me.  I love the beginning of new year.  I feel like it is somewhat a blank slate and I get to start all over again.  The past is not necessarily forgotten, but the future feels full of promise.  That is how I feel when I look at the photos from this session. 

Dawn contacted me in the fall to schedule a session of her new family.  She and Brad were recently married and are in the process of blending their new family together. We met at the beautiful Green Haven Creek Bed & Breakfast one afternoon after school.  Dawn had scoped it out and gotten permission for us to use the grounds. It was the perfect setting for this new family.

I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to see Dawn so very happy.  She certainly deserves it.

This is one of my favorites.  Maybe my very favorite.  It just makes me smile.

And their  kiddos.  Talk about sweetness.


 Baylee, Aubrey and Dylan.  The girls could be models, 

and Dylan... well they don't come much cuter than him!

Such a sweet family.

I just couldn't resist a shot of the boots!

This tree was just too awesome not to use.  I love this.

What a wonderful way to spend my afternoon.  With a very special "new" family.  I am so glad that Dawn and Brad have found each other.  They have such a beautiful family and I wish them a long and happy life together. 

My favorite 8-year-old | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

A few days after Molly's 8th birthday we had a big snow.  Big for Tennessee standards that is.  7-9 inches in places.  It was certainly the most snow that my kiddos had ever seen.  I decided we had to take advantage of it for Molly's 8 year portraits.  We took a few minutes and walked through the woods on our farm for a little shoot.  I always love photographing Molly.  I know she is mine, but she is just so photogenic! 

These next two are so Molly.

She can always give me just the right look. 

She actually found this spot on our walk. Love how the girl thinks!

A couple fun ones with a little wardrobe change.

We were a little cold, but it was so worth it.  Love my sweet, 8-year-old Molly.

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Corbin

Corbin is no stranger to my website.  He has become one of my best little buddies.    It is obvious that Corbin loves his mommy very much.  I love that.

He wore his cowboy hat and boots which were perfect for photos at the barn.

And if he hasn't stolen your heart already...

The letters say it all.

I hope Santa was good to you this year, Corbin!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | The Lowe Family

I tried to post the rest of my Christmas mini-sessions before Christmas but had some computer/internet issues that prevented me from it.  Thankfully, everything seems to be fixed now, so I am playing a bit of catchup.  It's still the season until New Year's isn't it?  We'll say it is!

One word comes to mind when I think of this family - FUN! We had never met before, but it felt like we were old friends from the get-go. Love that!


Daniel was such a little gentleman.

And Miss Stella was just precious.

She did have a short little moment, but it made for the cutest shot!

Thanks for a fun time!!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob

Once again this year I had Christmas mini-sessions at the barn.  I had some clients who had been here once or even twice, so I wanted it to look a little different.  I started pulling together things from around the house and ended up with a backdrop I loved.   

Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob were my first appointment on this freezing morning.  Their mom could not have chosen more prefect outfits for them.  They were just perfect with the all the antique props I had put together!

They were great and were such great sports considering how cold it was!

Aren't the boys handsome?!

I think they could be models for a Children's Place ad!

Mom looked pretty awesome, too!

Thanks guys for coming out and braving the cold.  As always it was a treat to see you!

Christmas Urban Mini sessions | The Fitch Family

Oh how I love this family!  They are no strangers to my website.  You've seen them before.  Most recently in the library.

You might remember Miss Karsyn from her tea party in the woods.  She has grown so much since then!

Mr. Kadin.  Such a sweetheart.

These next two just make me smile.

Especially this one.

I know Christmas morning is going to be exciting at their house this year!

Christmas Urban Mini Sessions | The Dixon Family.

I love this family.  They have become great friends of mine.  They have come to the barn the past two years for mini-sessions so I was glad that we were able to do something a little different this year.

I especially love these boys.  Andrew and Alex.

I've shared these next two before, but since they are favorites of mine I decided to share them again. 

Their "cool dude" shoes as my Stewart would say.

Stay tuned for more mini-sessions.  I'm trying to do better on updating the website if you've noticed. ;-)

Surprise visit from Santa | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Sunday afternoon I had a session scheduled at the barn and since I was going to be there anyway, I thought it would be a good time to have a little Christmas shoot with our kiddos.  I don’t seem to ever take photos of them anymore, so I thought it would be a good idea to actually schedule a shoot. We  We had been there for just a few minutes when guess who arrived?!

The kids were so excited! Stewart quickly sat down beside him and starting telling him what he wanted for Christmas.  Surprisingly, he only had two things on his list!

 Next it was Molly’s turn.  Her list was a little longer! ;-)

 Miss Elizabeth waited patiently, but when it was her turn she went right to it.  She wasted no time telling Santa what she hoped to find under the tree Christmas morning.

My friend Chris who is also a photographer always has Santa sessions at his house and we go there to visit Santa.  With building a new house, Chris decided things were just too hectic this year and didn’t have Santa sessions.  We didn’t know how or when we were going to get to see him.  I guess Santa knew of our dilemma because he came to see us. Before he left he told the kids that Jasper our elf would soon be arriving to watch them until Christmas.  Stewart promised to leave some cookies and milk for Santa and apples and carrots for his reindeer.

What a magical afternoon!  The kids were buzzing about Santa’s visit the rest of the afternoon, and they can’t wait for Jasper to arrive!


And just a little advanced notice... I do plan to have Santa sessions next year at the barn!


Ben, Maecy and Katy | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Horrible.  Just horrible.  That is what I am as of late when it comes to blogging sessions.  I guess it is because I am busy, busy, editing!  I still have lots of sessions from back in the summer that I have failed to post, but I promise to try to get them on here as quickly as I can.  

This summer I met Ben, Maecy and Katy.

Three beautiful and fun kiddos!  I should also mention talented.  Ben is taking fiddle lessons and Maecy is taking guitar lessons. 

We met at The Tolley House Bed and Breakfast in historic Lynchburg for our shoot.  We had the place to ourselves, and I must say it is beautiful. 

After a clothing change, we walked down to an old barn at the edge of the property. 

I just love red barns and barefoot kiddos!

And that my friends was my afternoon with Ben, Maecy and Katy!

Rachel - Southern Tennessee Tween Photographer

Rachel requested this photo shoot.  Last fall I had a Christmas session with Rachel and her little brother and sister.  When Rachel's mom contacted she told me this was all Rachel's idea.  Rachel wanted to have her own shoot in town.  I knew it would be lots of fun! We sent Rachel's mom around the corner and we got started.

I asked Rachel to answer a few questions for me.  

Favorite color: turquoise blue

Favorite ice cream: Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Favorite subject in school: Grammar 

Hobbies: Basketball, Piano and Singing

And after looking at these photos is it any surprise that Rachel wants to be a movie star when she grows up?  If that doesn't work out, I think she certainly could have a future in modeling!

She has great style.

We had so much fun!  Rachel, I hope you like all your photos! We will have to do this again!

Paxtin at 6 months - Southern Tennessee Baby Photographer

If yesterday's little tease was too much for you, you need not wait any longer.  I just finished editing Little Miss Paxtin's session and could not wait any longer to share it.  She is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen!

She belongs to our dear friends Brian and Stephanie.  Stephanie asked if we could come over one day and have a little 6-months shoot for Paxtin.  Since they are some of our favorite people and she is one of our favorite babies how could we say no?!

Could you not just eat her up?!

I have to mention that Brian and Stephanie have the most amazing natural light in their house.  I was so jealous.  Stephanie decorated their home with bold paint colors and it made the perfect backdrop for our shoot!

Stephanie and Brian are Auburn graduates.  Stephanie made a little blue and orange tutu for Paxtin. Pretty cute even if it is the wrong colors. ;-)

And if you haven't already had more sweetness than you can stand...

Now if you could have just seen what was going on behind the scenes.  Imagine four adults doing everything but standing on their heads for one little princess.  I know we looked crazy! I think it was all worth it though! Love me some Paxtin!

Cooper is 2! - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

You might remember Cooper from a few months ago when he was 18 months old.  He is now 2 and is as busy as any 2 year old boy can be.

I was glad he brought his parents along with him this time so we could get a few family shots. ;-)

But it was really all about Cooper.  I even brought along my "new" prop for him.  I found this old toy chest at the antique store and knew I had to get it.

And I'm really liking this one. 

This little stinker is just too cute! I will have the rest for you soon, Mom and Dad!

So Very Deere - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

A couple weeks ago I had a pleasure of spending the afternoon with Clay, Katee and Analyn.  

I first met them a couple years ago when they came for my Christmas mini-sessions.  Their mom wanted to have photos of them at their home.  They have a nursery on their farm and their grandmother had made the girls the cutest coordinating John Deere outfits.

Analyn was just a little one the last time I saw her.  Now she's a giggly little girl!

And just look what she can do! I think she could win a tricycle championship! The girl is FAST!

Whenever I go to someone's home for a session, I always like to get some shots of the family in front of the house.  Houses change, people move, and I like to capture the family at that moment in time at their home.

They showed me their nursery and I was so impressed that Clay had dogwood trees that are his.  He had rows that he was responsible for raising and selling.  How great to have parents who actually teach their children to work! One of the things I learned by growing up a on farm, and am so glad to see it is continuing today!

What a wonderful time I had this afternoon.  I love that my work brings new friends into my life.  It is a good shoot when we spend 30 minutes afterwards talking like old friends.  Thanks guys! I will have the rest for you soon!

Stewart is 5! - Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Since I never did portraits of Elizabeth and Stewart last summer when they turned 8 and 4, I have been determined to have a photo shoot with each of them this summer.  Elizabeth and I were planning a country shoot for her yesterday, but it rained and rained.  Since I was planning an urban shoot for Stewart we switched up things a little.  We were ready to go when Chris got home from work.  He assured us that it was not raining in town.  Well, it is summer time, and things can quickly change! It was raining when we got there, so I knew there was no way I could use the spot I had planned on using.  We had to find somewhere with some cover.  I knew just the spot, and it would be special because I had not used it in a long while!

I had promised him he could have the lollipop, and once I gave it to him there was no taking it away!

Luckily, I knew of another spot with some cover, so we weren't limited to just one location.

And whatta ya know?  It stopped raining.! We even saw a beautiful rainbow that Stewart wanted to see if we could find the end of.  Love that boy!

And I even found a new red door to use! 

We had the best time! I loved the one-on-one time with my little guy.  I still cannot believe he is about to start Kindergarten! When I look at these photos of him I see what a big boy he really is!