Santa Accordion Album | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I just wanted to share this accordion album that I will be offering at my Down Home With Santa mini-sessions this year. 

These are just the cutest albums.  They are the perfect size for your purse and come with a plastic protective sleeve.

Here are a couple photos of the inside.

And a view of the  back.

There is a minimum purchase of 3 identical albums.  Just the right number for giving and still having one to keep! 

Down Home With Santa Mini-Sessions | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I am so, so, so excited about this! Imagine this.  No long lines at the mall where your child gets a max of two minutes with Santa before he/she is hurried off his lap so the next child in line can have a turn. Imagine 20 minutes just your children and Santa.  One on one.  Lifetime memories for them.  Lifetime memories for you.  That is what you get with my Down Home With Santa Mini Sessions.

I have a very limited number of sessions available so contact me soon to book your appointment.


When: Sunday, October 16

1:00 - Hurt

1:30 -

2:00 - Boaz

2:30 - Woodward



4:00 - Spray

4:30 - Timberman


When: Monday, November 7






3:00 - Beddingfield

3:30 - Bloxham

4:00 - Jackson


Baby Paul at 6 months | Middle Tennessee Baby Photographer

You might remember Paul from his session back in December.  His mom invited me back to their home for Paul 6-monthish session.  Our first date was rained out (it has been a very wet spring), so we rescheduled for a couple weeks later.  What a great decision that was because we ended up having the perfect weather on our second attempt. Warm and sunny - just perfect for bare feet!

 We started out with a few Easter poses.


Hello there!


And then we changed into something blue.


We also brought his rocking chair out into the front yard.  This is his serious look. 

And this is just pure sweetness.

And for the first time ever, I think he sat in the grass.  I just love those little bare feet. 

Such a sweet, sweet boy about to celebrate his first Easter

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Corbin

Corbin is no stranger to my website.  He has become one of my best little buddies.    It is obvious that Corbin loves his mommy very much.  I love that.

He wore his cowboy hat and boots which were perfect for photos at the barn.

And if he hasn't stolen your heart already...

The letters say it all.

I hope Santa was good to you this year, Corbin!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | The Lowe Family

I tried to post the rest of my Christmas mini-sessions before Christmas but had some computer/internet issues that prevented me from it.  Thankfully, everything seems to be fixed now, so I am playing a bit of catchup.  It's still the season until New Year's isn't it?  We'll say it is!

One word comes to mind when I think of this family - FUN! We had never met before, but it felt like we were old friends from the get-go. Love that!


Daniel was such a little gentleman.

And Miss Stella was just precious.

She did have a short little moment, but it made for the cutest shot!

Thanks for a fun time!!

Country Christmas Mini-sessions | Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob

Once again this year I had Christmas mini-sessions at the barn.  I had some clients who had been here once or even twice, so I wanted it to look a little different.  I started pulling together things from around the house and ended up with a backdrop I loved.   

Sawyer, Kennedy and Jacob were my first appointment on this freezing morning.  Their mom could not have chosen more prefect outfits for them.  They were just perfect with the all the antique props I had put together!

They were great and were such great sports considering how cold it was!

Aren't the boys handsome?!

I think they could be models for a Children's Place ad!

Mom looked pretty awesome, too!

Thanks guys for coming out and braving the cold.  As always it was a treat to see you!

Christmas Urban Mini sessions | The Fitch Family

Oh how I love this family!  They are no strangers to my website.  You've seen them before.  Most recently in the library.

You might remember Miss Karsyn from her tea party in the woods.  She has grown so much since then!

Mr. Kadin.  Such a sweetheart.

These next two just make me smile.

Especially this one.

I know Christmas morning is going to be exciting at their house this year!

Christmas Urban Mini Sessions | The Dixon Family.

I love this family.  They have become great friends of mine.  They have come to the barn the past two years for mini-sessions so I was glad that we were able to do something a little different this year.

I especially love these boys.  Andrew and Alex.

I've shared these next two before, but since they are favorites of mine I decided to share them again. 

Their "cool dude" shoes as my Stewart would say.

Stay tuned for more mini-sessions.  I'm trying to do better on updating the website if you've noticed. ;-)

Christmas Urban Mini sessions | The Franks Family.

I'm taking a break for just a few minutes from designing Christmas cards to share some of the fun families from my urban mini-sessions.  We had perfect weather for it.  It was a gorgeous, warm afternoon.  

My first session of the afternoon was with the Franks family.  Last year they came to the barn for Christmas mini-sessions, so it was fun to do something different this year.

I just love my little buddy, Will.  He's such a sweetheart.

You can tell he adores his big sister, Emma.

More urban minis coming soon!

Surprise visit from Santa | Southern Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Sunday afternoon I had a session scheduled at the barn and since I was going to be there anyway, I thought it would be a good time to have a little Christmas shoot with our kiddos.  I don’t seem to ever take photos of them anymore, so I thought it would be a good idea to actually schedule a shoot. We  We had been there for just a few minutes when guess who arrived?!

The kids were so excited! Stewart quickly sat down beside him and starting telling him what he wanted for Christmas.  Surprisingly, he only had two things on his list!

 Next it was Molly’s turn.  Her list was a little longer! ;-)

 Miss Elizabeth waited patiently, but when it was her turn she went right to it.  She wasted no time telling Santa what she hoped to find under the tree Christmas morning.

My friend Chris who is also a photographer always has Santa sessions at his house and we go there to visit Santa.  With building a new house, Chris decided things were just too hectic this year and didn’t have Santa sessions.  We didn’t know how or when we were going to get to see him.  I guess Santa knew of our dilemma because he came to see us. Before he left he told the kids that Jasper our elf would soon be arriving to watch them until Christmas.  Stewart promised to leave some cookies and milk for Santa and apples and carrots for his reindeer.

What a magical afternoon!  The kids were buzzing about Santa’s visit the rest of the afternoon, and they can’t wait for Jasper to arrive!


And just a little advanced notice... I do plan to have Santa sessions next year at the barn!


Christmas Card Mini-Sessions!

Lots of you have already asked, and the answer is yes! I will be having Christmas Card Mini-session again this year!  I will be having two different days of mini-sessions, but I will have a very limited number of slots.  This is all I can fit in, so don't wait to schedule.

This year I am excited to be offering urban mini-sessions!

When: Saturday afternoon, October  23, 2010.

Location: Downtown Fayetteville, Tennessee (meeting point will be Valley Internet

1:30 - Franks

2:00 - Dixon

2:30 - Groce

3:00 - Fitch

3:30 - Mills

4:00 -


I will also have a morning of rural mini-sessions.  These will probably be at the barn again.

When: Saturday morning, November 6

10:00 - Watt

10:30 - Reed

11:00 - Lowe

11:30 - Pearson

12:00 - Parker



Price: $125 (plus tax)

What's included:

  • 15-20 minute session (the guys will love how quick it's over!)
  • An online gallery of 10-20 images to share with family and friends
  • A set of 4x6 proofs of the images from your gallery
  • An 8x10 print of your choice
  • Your choice of one of the following:

Option 1:35 5x7 Custom designed photo greeting cards. These cards are professionally printed on photo paper and come with white envelopes.

An example of one-sided photo card:

Option 2:25 5x7 Custom designed double sided greeting cards. These cards are printed on heavy cardstock and are double sided (printed on both sides). They come with white envelopes.

An example of a double-sided card:




As an added bonus I will be offering a CD of all the edited images (digital negatives) from your mini-session with a printing release for only $75.  That is half off the regular mini-session CD price.


Easter Mini-sessions - Jasmine & Caden.

You probably recognize Jasmine and Caden.  They are not new to my blog. You might remember their Christmas session. They are two of my favorite kiddos.


I think Caden was a little disappointed when he found out that they weren't going to the barn this time. 


I think I made it up to him though!

And one last one of Miss Jasmine.  She is such a sweetheart.

More Easter sessions to come!

Easter Mini-sessions - Miss Emma.

The weather has not been my friend lately.  I had a full day of Easter sessions scheduled for last Saturday, but it was a yucky, rainy day just like every other day for that week.  So I rescheduled everyone I could for this Saturday (looks like it's going to be a gorgeous day), but there were a few that weren't going to be able to make it this Saturday.  We rescheduled for this past Tuesday afternoon. It wasn't the nicest of spring days.  It was a little on the cool side, but my kiddos were awesome and never once complained of being cold.  

I started the afternoon with Miss Emma.  Isn't she precious?!

I think this next one is my favorite.  She looks like a little angel.

But there is something about this one that I really like, too.

Emma is just the first of many Easter sessions I will be sharing. 

And I do still have one opening at 2:00 tomorrow if anyone is interested.