What it is all about | Southern Middle Tennessee Family Photographer

Yesterday I was finishing up Noah's 2-year-session, and this series made me stop for a few minutes.

It had not been easy, but earlier in our shoot I had gotten a shot of the entire family looking at the camera.  It is nice, but this is it.  This is the moment that you will never get back.  In my own life, the photos like this one of my own children are the ones I treasure the most.  In my opinion this is the best kind of family portrait.  This is real.  And because it touched me so much, I also converted them to black and white.

As we approach Thanksgiving, this photo reminds me of so many things for which I am thankful.

Kate at 6 months | Franklin, Tennessee Baby Photographer

You might remember Kate from her newborn session.

Well, fast forward 6 months.

She's now sitting up and laughing.  A big girl!  Isn't it just amazing how quickly they grow and change?! 

Her mom invited me back to their home for Kate's 6-month photos.  I was so excited.  I just love Franklin, and to get to spend the morning with Kate.  It was a perfect day in my mind!

Kate's dad had gone to the market that morning and picked up some pumpkins for us. Kate was more interested in her shoes.

We moved around a bit in their backyard, and we ended up in their neighbor's backyard.  They weren't at home, but I'm sure they would have minded Kate taking a little nap on their swing. 


How sweet is this?  Her Great-Grandmother's quilt.

We tried these bloomers for her newborn shoot, but they fit much better now. 

I love this one of her with her duckie.  We pulled it out after she was asleep, but I still love this one.

Such a sweetie.

I'm so thankful to get to watch this little one grow!

Halloween Mini-sessions - Rachel, Kate and Caleb | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I don't know about the rest of you, but Halloween is a big deal at the Barnes house.  We always have a photo shoot before we head out for trick-or-treating.  This year I decided to have Halloween mini-sessions and I had several cute spooks to come to my house for them Saturday afternoon. It was so much fun, I am already thinking about what I can do for next year's sessions!

First we had Rapunzel.

Isn't she beautiful in this magical forest?

Next we had a Mardi Gras Queen.

She too was beautiful in the Magical Forest.

Last but not least....  

Na na na na... BATMAN!

I couldn't resist putting together a storyboard.

And for your viewing pleasure...

Be on the lookout for Harry and Hermione!

Noah Sneak Peek | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

Noah turned two this week, and we met up for a session to celebrate.  His mom told me that she wanted something that was Noah being Noah.  I love it when moms tell me that because that is pretty much my philosophy.

It was a gorgeous afternoon, but it was a little too bright still for the spot I had in mind, so we ducked into an alley that was just right.

From there we went to another new favorite spot of mine.  Let me tell you, Noah is busy, busy, busy! Shots were taken on the go!

We did manage to get him to hold mom and dad's hands for just a second.

Then we went out to this cotton field I have been wanting to use.  I drive by it every single day, and I have just been waiting until it was perfect.  I love this shot. 

This is a very quick peek at Noah's session, but I am trying to stay more caught up on sharing at least a little bit from recent sessions. More to come!

The Arrick Family | Franklin Tennessee Family Photographer

It's not always a good thing to be related to a photographer.  Unfortunately, family sometimes has to wait a little longer than others, well because they are family.  They love us anyway and are more forgiving.  So with that, here is a semi-recent session of my sister and brother-in-law and kiddos.

We started out at their home and then made our way to a greenway where my sister and brother-in-law like to run. Here is my favorite of the kiddos.

The boys. Andy & Sam.

And Miss Anna.

I love this one of Amy laughing,

but this one is my absolute favorite of the Amy and Steve.

Before the train got there we did these.

After playing on the train tracks, we headed back to their house.  We had to take a few in front of the house.  Always a favorite of mine.

Steve and Sam were going to a Titans game that night, so while everyone else was in the house, Sam and I slipped outside for a few of him in his jersey.  Just a little surprise for mom and dad. :-)

This session ended like I wish all sessions did, a delicious meal and birthday cake!  It was like a surprise party for me!

Santa Accordion Album | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I just wanted to share this accordion album that I will be offering at my Down Home With Santa mini-sessions this year. 

These are just the cutest albums.  They are the perfect size for your purse and come with a plastic protective sleeve.

Here are a couple photos of the inside.

And a view of the  back.

There is a minimum purchase of 3 identical albums.  Just the right number for giving and still having one to keep! 

Celebrating Tucker's 1st Birthday | Southern Tennessee Baby Photographer

I recently got to join in the cutest 1st birthday celebration!  It was a gorgeous September day, and Tucker's parents inviited their family and friends for a cookout to celebrate.

Of course every birthday boy needs the perfect hat. 


and the perfect shoes.

Everything was adorable.  Especially the candy display!

Another fantastic cake by the talented Carla Gault.  

And what't a party without a little cake smash?

Happy birthday, Tucker!!!

Calm Before the Storm

Last week the kids were on Fall Break and we made our annual trip to Amelia Island. A week on the beach was just what I needed.  The calm before the storm I am calling it. My fellow photographers know what I am talking about.  October - December are the busiest months of the year.  The next couple of months are going to be full of fall sessions, Halloween and Santa mini-sessions, Christmas card sessions.  

Busy, busy, busy!

I already have a backlog of editing, so be on the lookout for lots of sneak peeks here and on Facebook. And since I can't post without including a photo of some kind, here is a favorite of my little mini-session with our kiddos on the beach last week.  It was so windy, but we managed to get a few good ones. 

Down Home With Santa Mini-Sessions | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I am so, so, so excited about this! Imagine this.  No long lines at the mall where your child gets a max of two minutes with Santa before he/she is hurried off his lap so the next child in line can have a turn. Imagine 20 minutes just your children and Santa.  One on one.  Lifetime memories for them.  Lifetime memories for you.  That is what you get with my Down Home With Santa Mini Sessions.

I have a very limited number of sessions available so contact me soon to book your appointment.


When: Sunday, October 16

1:00 - Hurt

1:30 -

2:00 - Boaz

2:30 - Woodward



4:00 - Spray

4:30 - Timberman


When: Monday, November 7






3:00 - Beddingfield

3:30 - Bloxham

4:00 - Jackson


Halloween Mini-Sessions Survey

I am taking a bit of a survey to see if there is any interest in Halloween Mini-sessions this year. Halloween is a pretty big deal at our house, and we always have a Halloween photo shoot.   

I know as the kids get older, I will cherish these photos.  

I even decorate with them at Halloween.  I love having them in frames on the table in the foyer.



So please email me if you are interested in scheduling a Halloween mini-session.  I would love to do these this year as long as there is enough interest.  Thanks!

They call him Secret Agent | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

After I finished up a session yesterday morning, I had a mini-session with my favorite 6-year-old secret agent. 

We had gone shopping the day before and he picked out this t-shirt.  When I started getting his outfit together for his portraits, he said he really wanted to wear it.  I told him that we would change into the t-shirt after I had taken his photo in the outfit I chosen.  The ones in my choice are adorable of course, but these are Stewart at age six.  No doubt about it. I guess that is why I like them more than the ones I had envisioned.

This is my absolute favorite. The poses.  The glasses.  All Stewart.

I'm so glad I let him wear what he wanted. Sometimes they have the best ideas!

Triple Threat | Southern Tennessee Child Tween Photographer

I took a little time off this summer.  My kids had swim team four nights a week, and I just felt we needed a little more family time.  Swim team ended this past weekend, so I guess that means it is time to get back into the game.  The photography game.  This morning was a great kickoff.

I met three of my favorites clients for a summer shoot.  We've done a lot of different settings, and this time I wanted to mix it up.  These are three awesome athletes, and I told their mom to bring along their sports stuff. Let me just tell you, those few props made this a shoot the kids enjoyed rather than one they dreaded. 

We started out with some casual shots.

Ben will be a sophomore this year and will be playing center for the high school football team.  Go Falcons!

Holt is such an awesome athlete.  I've seen him hit many 3-pointers.  I've never seen him play football, but I am sure he is going to be great at it, too!

Miss Amelia Kate. This is an early favorite of her. She is a little lady, but she is still the toughest bow-wearing soccer player you have ever seen! She and my Molly played together last year, and her dad and Molly's dad coached their team.  This year Amelia Kate has decided to play club soccer, and we are going to miss her!


It was hot.  So very hot, and I don't think I would have been any hotter if we had been at football or soccer practice.  But they didn't seem to mind.  I think they knew it was going to be worth it, and I could tell they liked the ones we did in their uniforms.  They called this one their Nike ad pose.



They look pretty intimidating to me!  Thanks for a great time this morning, guys.  Hope you like the sneak peek.  There are a whole lot more cool ones where these came from! 

Words that make me smile.

This profession has brought some very special people into my life.  People that otherwise I might not have ever known, I now call friends. When I began this journey I really had no idea how much impact the comments of my clients would have on me.  There is nothing like getting a sweet email, text or note from someone telling me what their photos mean to them.  

I don't set out to just snap a picture like can be taken in any chain portrait studio.  That's not me.  That's not what I set out to do.  These are moments that will never happen again.  This day.  This moment.  It cannot be repeated.  Every day is different and a gift in itself.  

I featured Cooper on here a few days ago.  He's about to become a big brother in just a few short days. It's never going to be just Cooper again.  He's going to have a little sister.

After I posted this photo on Facebook,  I received a text from his mom. 

I LOVE the new pic you put on Facebook! I almost cried when I saw it!! I am so glad we did these! I wanted some of just the two of us! Thanks so much!! You're the best!

These photos. These moments.  They are important to Cooper's mommy.  I'm so thankful and honored that she trusted them to me.  And I cannot wait to meet his baby sister!

Congratulations F.A.S.T.

A huge congrats goes out today to the Fayetteville Area Swim Team for a great season! This weekend F.A.S.T. finished off the 2011 season with 2nd place at the RACE League Championship.  This was the best season ever for the F.A.S.T.  Great coaches and great kids. I am so proud of them all!

 Here are a few of our awesome swimmers.

The Coon triple threat.

Our points leader, Miss Kelsey.

Andrew (I'm-all-about-the-ribbons) Dixon.


Grant who moved up from Tadpoles this season to filling in for the 11-12 year-olds relay when the team need him. 


Mermaid Molly who was so persistent for her mom to sign her up to swim Butterfly even when her mom didn't think she was ready.  She proved her mom wrong, and brought home a 3rd place ribbon the first time she competed!

There were lots of new records set this season meaning there will be lots of new names on the record board. Congratulations to all our F.A.S.T. swimmers on an awesome season!  

Cooper at 3 years | Southern Tennessee Child Photographer

I spent a little time this morning with my buddy, Cooper.  You may remember him from his earlier appearances here. I think this is the fourth time we have gotten together, so this time I wanted to do something a little different.  I hope his mom likes what I came up with!

I asked her to bring along his tricycle.

Let me tell you he is fast on it!

Then we went to another spot I discovered on one of my morning runs.  I want to use it everytime I run by it, and so glad to finally get the chance!

I just love the red tricycle in front of the blue wall.  

Cooper is going to be a big brother in just another week or two.  They way he helped me carrying things this morning, I know he is going to be a big help with her.  Happy birthday, Cooper!

Kailey and Kolton | Southern Tennessee Child Baby Photographer

Today's feature is of two cuties that I know pretty well.  They are Kailey and Kolton my great niece and nephew. Miss Kailey is 2-years-old and is pretty much a stinker.  Her favorite word seems to be...you guessed it "No!"  She said it pretty much every time I asked her to do something for me.

It went something like this:

Me: Kailey, can you sit in my yellow chair?  

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, can you smile for me?

Kailey: No!

Me: Kailey, would you like a lollipop?

Kailey: No!

So maybe with Kailey no means yes?

And then there is Kolton.  Six months and smiling all the time.

Such cutie pies.  Love 'em!

The Pendergrass Family | Southern Tennessee Family Photographer

What better Mother's Day gift for a wonderful mother and grandmother than a family photo session?  That is just what Mrs. Jane received for Mother's Day this year.  We got together for our shoot one beautiful Sunday afternoon.  Everyone put on their Sunday best and we headed for the cow pasture.  Where else?!

I love this one of the grandkiddos.  So sweet.

Justin and family.

Jackie and family.

Sweet Lily.  Such a precious girl.

My favorite of Jake.  

Luke, oh, Luke.  Just about the cutest thing I have ever seen.  

Beautiful Kayla.  I could shoot her all day.

Sweet AnnaKate.


One last family favorite.

This is such a sweet family, and I was so glad to get to spend the afternoon with them.  


I am very behind in posting sessions and plan to share a lot more this week, so come back soon!

Richard is one | Nashville Middle Tennessee Child Photographer

Last Friday I traveled to Nashville to spend the morning with Richard and his mom at their home. Richard just turned one, and some of his mom's friends gave him a photo shoot for his birthday.  Maybe not what every one-year-old wants, but I've never met a mom of a one-year-old who didn't like photos of her cutie. We read books, played outside, and just had a fun time. I'll let the photos do most of the talking. 

The forecast called for rain, but it turned out to be a great day.  Overcast and just right for some outside shots. This is a favorite.

It is obvious that Richard is very loved.  

He really loves his mommy, too!

After playing outside for a while, we went in for a little quite time.

When I left Richard was falling asleep in his high chair in between bites. Love. :-)  

Mom and Dad, there are many more where these came from.  I just pulled out a few quick favorites to share for your sneak peek.  Will have the rest for you soon!  Thanks!